Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Boring day

Howdy Girls!

well today was pretty much none eventful...(when it comes to the challenge)...same old same old!

So...I mention this before...but are any of you walking or running the race on Saturday???...I thought It would be fun to do...I will walk (not run) the 10k if it means someone would do it with me...I think it will be fun to meet Sherron and some of the other girls that are in it with us. From the website...It looks like they are all walking.

I hope you all keep truckin along...and continue to smile...through every part of this journey.

Sweet dreams sweet friends :)


Anonymous said...


Laura said...

Hey Girly, would love to do the run, but we have become that "sports" family where our lives seem to revolve around the kids' sport year-round. Didn't really see that one coming, but here we are! So, to that end, Spencer is playing in a soccer tournament this weekend in Woodland. So no run for me (really who would I be kidding....walk). But keep me in my for future ones as long as their isn't some other event! Have a good day!