Friday, December 4, 2009


Well Aren't you all just the cutest things....You have know idea how much I just LOVE when you all leave comments...It really keeps me going with my nightly posts... oh...and might I love tank has been filled to the brim :)

I love what some of you wrote about us needing to have a "balance" are soooo right...If we fall off...just jump right back on the next day...the next week for that matter! I remember some diets I've been on...when I would totally screw up in the middle of a week and in my weird little head I would think...well I guess I'll start again the following Monday :) as if that was the end of the diet cause it was on a if I could only start on a Monday!...and...yes...I know...I's way easy to type what I just said...and In all reality...I definitely need to be more "aware" that I can take things to the extreme sometimes...I personally need to learn how to have a healthy balance and let myself have those free days...(well...maybe not with the sweets)...heck no...I do not want to have that craving thing going on again.

So...I spent most of my day shopping around town...trying to buy gluten free foods for the littlest squirt...with tummy trouble for the past year in a half...I've decided to take matters into my own we will be doing a 1 to 2 month test to see if she has in a fact a gluten intolerance :( ...poor thing went to a pj party tonight...were all the girls were decorating cookies and eating popcorn...and there she stood all sad with her own G Free cookies and fruit.

Well I should close for now...

I hope you all have a wonderful (end of our week 4) weekend!

Sweet dreams you little sugarplums :)


Laura said...

Jen, we should talk about your baby's tummy troubles! Spencer was like that forever until I changed his diet. It was like IBS for him...he would have cramping and diarrhea 2-3 times a day. Turns out it was an intolerance to all the food colorings, preservatives, msg, nitrates. He's not great with diary, but will tolerate it now better. I thought I might have to do the gluten too, but once I got rid of all the above, he was a new kid. Sometimes now he will get horrific gas (all day long) and we will put him on digestive enzymes with meals for a few days and it goes away. Is she better without the gluten? Let's talk!

Laura said...

Okay, I just had to repost tonight. I have been having a hard time finding a new book (the 2nd one was boring me to death), so I just searched for an uplifting daily quote site. Anyway, even if you're not Christian, you should read the quote for Dec. 4-5. It's perfect for me where I am in this journey....I'll give you a glimpse and then check out the webpage:

Trust matter how many waverings you may matter how much heaviness and sadness your lapses, vices, indispositions, and bratty whining may cause you - you simply believe that Somebody Else, by His death and resurrection, has made it all right, and you just say thank you and shut up...

There's more -- it was great! Take a look...