Monday, December 28, 2009

Sweets Police :)

Hi you all!

I'm back...after a much needed getaway with my sweetums...burrr was it cold in Tahoe...didn't have phone or computer I took the free point. I went to sleep last night (or should I say this morning) 3:30 am...yes, I know...what the heck was I thinking! I am sooo exhausted...I will probably re-read this tomorrow and hate it....guess I'm not the young party girl I once :)

Now this is funny...I was texting my girlfriend this evening...when there was a long pause between texts...she finally got back to me and said...right when I sent the first text, she had just made herself a bowl of ice cream...she called me the sweets police...and that I was ruining her moment! Like I was busting her for eating that bowl of ice that funny or sad for me???

Okay..okay...I'm rambling now...Hope you all are truckin along!

Have a great night!

Sweet dreams :)


Shelley said...

I think you have the special touch to know when your friend is in need of help. She didn't listen, maybe she will be more willing on 02-01-10!
FYI.. your kids don't stand a chance of being sneaky with you around.

Jenny said...

Um...shelley you just gave yourself!!!!