Sunday, December 6, 2009

Look I'm famous :)

Well hello you little snowflakes!

I had an awesome day out and about following my friend in the marathon...Her husband, kids and I were able to stop and cheer her on in 9 different spots throughout the race!!! It was down right freezing...burrrr! We where interviewed by the SacBee at one of our stops :)...Here's a picture of yours truly...(just found it on!)
Since I have been up since 4:30 am...I am definitely going to try and wrap up my evening...I will be closing tonight...with this tiny post...don't forget to email your points.

I hope your evening is super cozy!

Sweet dreams :)


Anonymous said...

You are a superstar friend! Love the pic, too.
Sara B

Jayme said...

This is such a great picture. What a great friend you are! You cheer all of us on. Way to go JEN!!!

Jenny said...

Aw...thanks guys! Guess I'm on the front page of the paper this morning :)...have yet to see it!