Sunday, January 3, 2010

Holy Moly what was I thinking!

Hello Sweets!

Tomorrow is back to work for my Sweetums and back to school for the oldest...sooo where are the other three you ask?....AT HOME FOR 1 MORE where they are...holy moly is all I can say to that!...Honestly, I am having mixed feelings about it...secretly I could use some time to myself...but I also like having the flexibility we have when they are home.

Today has been a VERY productive day if I don't say so myself!...And you bet your sweet bottom that that is what I am thankful for...I got AlL the laundry rooms look spectacular...cleaned out the frig and went grocery shopping...and last but not least and probably waaayyy to much information...FINALLY cleaned out the good old undie drawer...embarrassingly enough its been like 5 years...I found all sorts of stuff...I would never be caught dead in :)

I do so much hope you all are enjoying your evening...don't forget to email your weekly challenge points.

Sweet dreams all :)