Monday, January 18, 2010

ugly kitchen no more

Good Evening you cute things!

Yesss...we finally had a guy come out to get the ball rolling on re-doing the kitchen...Yah hoo!!!...believe me when I tell you all...I have definitely taken one...(or maybe 10)...for the team when it comes to my is AWFUL looking and of course has been one of the last things to get updated in the house....I am almost gitty thinking about it all :)

Boy was it nice not having to rush to get the kiddos of to school....slept in a little...went to teach the old peeps...who are always delightful...they are the best when it comes to this girl...who loves words of affirmation! My love tank is always full when it comes to my job!

Well off to make lunches for tomorrow.

Sweet dreams all :)


ShoppingShelley said...

A new kitchen, how exciting! I can't wait to hear about the plans.
I do love having days off where we don't have to hustle out of the house. I think I should get off the computer and go make lunches too so I am not so rushed in the morning.