Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm stuck!

Ok, so here's my new issue...well I guess it's not really new...cause if you ask my husband he'll tell you he's been telling me for months...but I'm in a food rut...mostly lunch ideas for myself...but I feel like I eat the same things over and over again...ugh! Ok, so here's my staples...tofu salad or some kinda salad, red bell pepper with cheese and crackers, and soup...yep there they are...all 3 of them. So now that you know this...and keep in mind that I'm a vegetarian...would one of you sweet things PLEASE give me some new ideas?...oh, and maybe ones that are kinda quick and easy :) oh, and also have fruits and veggies in them...with them...around them!

Another much is in a serving? in 2 servings of fruits & veggies...I've been thinking somewhere around a cup or handful...a whole banana or apple....what do you all think?

Ok..I swear this is in the world do you all find time and room in your day to eat 3 meals and all the servings of F & V's...sometimes I've just been eating vegetables for dinner if I didn't get them in for the day...I know, silly problem to have...oh well!

I hope you all had a superlicious day!

Sweet dreams :)


Shelley said...

I have been going by Weight Watchers 1 small banana 1 serving or 1 lg banana 2 servings or points. Veges are 1/2 cup is one serving so if you have a salad for lunch with any other veges in it, you are good. That is why I like this challenge it is realistic for me. Not 9 servings of fruits and veges, give me a break.

If you would write just a tad bit more this may even count for my something spiritual!

Jenny said...

Ha Shelley your funny...maybe if I say stuff like bless you all...your in my could count!

thanks for the serving info!

bets said...

How about a baked potato for lunch. Topped with salsa, cheese, etc... i top mine with FAGE greek yogurt which has a lot more protein than sour cream. I have been having toast with peanut butter and banana for breakfast and sometimes lunch, yummy. I agree with Shelley, on the size of fruit and veggies. I always have good quality frozen veggies on hand. S&W is a good brand, just steam and eat.

Jenny said...

ooh thanks Betsy...sounds delish!

Anonymous said...

I'll add my 2 cents...I have to plan (either the night before or the morning of) what my 2 servings of the veggies and fruits will be each day, otherwise it ends up being 7:30 and I'm cramming them down my throat. When I have a plan I eat them all througout the day rather than all of them at the end of the day.

Jenny said...

Yes...I know your so right cause the days I have done that it's been better...thanks for the info...hopefully no more "only" califlower (sp?) dinners for me :)