Friday, November 27, 2009

Hustle and Bustle

Holy Moly...I made it...(you can't see me...but I'm actually yawning as I type)...we shopped for 12 fabulously fun hours (woo hoo!)...wait...maybe I should repeat that...I said 12 HOURS!!!...can you believe it???...most people think we're just plain crazy ;o) thing I must's not very fun to have to pee every second of the day...It was all crowned with mile long lines...goodness gracious!

Have you all realized how awesome we are?...we are coming up to the end of week 3! How are you all feeling? Still going strong here sista's!

This week has been so much fun!...I'm sorta sad it's all coming to an end...everyone will be departing in the morning :( ...(hoping to get all the Christmas decor up to keep us all cheery).

Tomorrow night I will be in the I will try and see if I can blog from my phone....(gotta get my journaling in)...stay tune.

I hope you all sleep well

Sweet dreams :)


Anonymous said...

I am so sad the week is ending also! It has been a great week with the family! We'll be doing the Christmas decorating this weekend also. See you Mon! Sara B