Sunday, November 8, 2009

A goal properly set is halfway reached

wanna know alittle secret?...I TOTALLY pigged out this weekend!!!...what the heck is wrong with me?...I could just throw up right now thinking of all the junk I put in my body :)...I would normally not ever eat the way I did this weekend...but just knowing what was ahead...holidays and everything...I just had to! I know I'm not friend called me earlier and told me she was in the McDonalds drive thru...we cracked if it was the last meal she would ever eat!

Alright enough about the PAST...right?

and before I close out

take a look at my post title...don't you just love?...I heard it today and thought it was just perfect...perfect I tell you! Doesn't it make you breath alittle easier?...and we haven't even started! Alright Girlies (and guys-my husband has decided to do it with me too) we have just a few more hours till we take the first step towards improving our bodies, our relationships, our mental well being...our LIFE's for goodness sakes!!!

Good night & good luck my fancy followers...sweet dreams :)


Laura said...

I pigged out two girlie and stayed up late and didn't wash my face (personal goal for this week)! On a good note I decided to read Max Lucado's "Traveling Light" for my spiritual reading -- he is pretty funny (and so true)! I was able to drink 1 of my 3 bottles of water doing it too! Off to a good start...and look I'm journaling! Wow -- how are you all doing today?