Sunday, February 7, 2010

WooHoo week 1 down!!!!!

Good Morning!!!...ooh I never get to type this...(I'm always posting in the evening's)

I took my free jounaling point last night...but I'm back for sure today! We had a grrrreat time with friends last night...most of you who know me can probably guess where we went to dinner....yep, it was Banderas indeed!...aawww I love that place....delish!

Soooo...what's the plans for this crispy Super Bowl Sunday?...honestly, I could go by without even turning the tv on...buuutttt my Sweetums would definitely not have I will sit with the best of them...put on a smiley face and pretend I'm somewhat into it...(all done with a happy heart of course)....ha!

ok listen up girlie's....this is simply fabulous...we have 76...(yes you read that right)...76 people participating in the challenge....isn't that I need to put this 760 dollars I have sitting in front of me in a secret spot...or maybe I should skip town and go on a shopping spree....juussst kidding! It has been a blast hearing from people all over the U.S....most I don't even personally guys ROCK!!!

I hope you all have been having a great first week...and your not cursing at me right about! Keep up the good gets easier!

Have a wonderful day!

I know I ALWAYS close with sweet dreams...but I feel silly typing it at 9 I will close with a...

BIG hug and a wet juicy smooch :)


Veronica A. said...

Aaah...Monday morning! I have to say that it was really nice to indulge a little yesterday. I found that I appreciated and cherished the goodies that were brought to the Super Bowl gathering instead of just mindlessy eating them. And it felt good to know that it happened just one day in my week instead of every day.
I ran into Jayme at church yesterday...looking trim and healthy, I might add...and was so encouraged to have someone specifically ask how things were going with the challenge. We need each other...thanks Jay!
Happy Monday all! V

Jessica L. said...

I can't believe the first week is down and we are on to number 2. It's getting easier and easier as the days go on. One of my students brought in cupcakes to celebrate her birthday and said here Miss Jessica this one is for you. I graciously took the cupcake, wished I could lick all the frosting off but instead I saved it for my scoobs (husband) and took it home. I am loving my morning exercise routine and enjoying God's amazing and glorious beauty as I bathed in the sunshine he provided for me today. God is good and so is this Wellness Challenge!

Jayme said...

Thanks V... how sweet you are!! This is so much fun. I love the thought of all this. All of us getting healthy together. I can see us up front one Sunday morning trying to get everyone to join us. Jen are you ready for all of them :)

Keep up the good work. WE can do this, we only have 3 months...thats it...3 months.

Jenny said...

oopppsss....I actually think...we have 79 participants...Awesome I tell you!