Sunday, February 14, 2010

Be Mine

Happy Valentine's day all you little love bugs!

Yes...another morning post! Thought I'd save this evening for my Valentine...WAIT, that is assuming I have one...snicker...My kiddos asked me yesterday if daddy asked me yet...I replied..."asked me what?"...and they all yelled..." know...if you want to be his Valentine!"...(again, another squeezable moment)...I tryed to explain to them that I thought it was just a given that husband and wife were each others Valentine...but they definitely cleared that one up...telling me..."absolutely NOT...that daddy NEEDED to ask me!!!"...sooo, there you have it...I might not really have a Valentine after all :)

Awww...what's a girl to do!

Had another wonderful evening of watching my girl on stage...I just love it I tell ya!

So have you all checked out "The Pioneer Woman's" website before? My mother-in-law told me about it...and I simply can't get enough...I keep coming to the computer to read more...she's this city girl who married a country man whom she refers to as her "Marlboro Man"...(so cute)...the website has all kinds of fun stuff to read...from her giveaways! Check it out if you have a moment :)....Her link is under "My Blog list"...down there to the left of my page!

Ok...for those of you in the challenge...don't forget to email me your points (tonight or tomorrow)...and I truly hope you have a footloose and fancy-free points day!

Smile :)