Saturday, February 13, 2010

My little star!

Hello all & Happy Valentine's Eve!!!

Soooo...what do you all think of my new background?...I know it's a little obnoxious...but hey most Valentine's stuff is right?...Although I must admit...I am such a sucker for all that cutie cupcakey red and pink lovey stuff :)

Alright...I swear I'm not just saying this...but my oldest dumpling was fantastic last night! We all sat there shocked...staring at one another...wondering where has she been hiding this fabulous voice all along...who would of thought...well, let me take that back...her dad had a melt-your-heart type of voice...(so I'm sure that's where it came from)...because I do my best singing in the shower...and only in the shower....if you know what I mean :) I told you all I'd share some pic' here you go...

I have a million and a half things to do today...So I better the kiddos are dieing for french toast...(gotta love Saturday mornings with the fam)...oh and my sweetums refuses to get out of bed until it's he should buy me a maid uniform for!

Hugs :)


ShoppingShelley said...

Love the new background all though I had to do a double take making sure I was at the right place.

Congrats to your oldest dumpling on a job well done. You need a Flip camera for us to hear her as well. Bravo, Bravo!!!