Wednesday, March 24, 2010

So. Cal here I come!

Hello sweet cheeks!

I'm so excited...just got tickets to fly down and visit my family in So. Cal...haven't been there in a very lonnngggg time and can't wait to see my sister's new house and meet up with a few friends!...I'm actually going to paint a couple of bathrooms and help with decor...but hey, anything for a weekend away with my momma and sis!

Kiddo's have half day from school the rest off the week...then their out for 2 WHOLE weeks...what the heck do they need 2 weeks off is what I'd like to know!

Well off to baseball we go!!! The little mister is quite the cutie in his A's uniform...(if I don't say so myself).

Have a fantastic evening all...and last but not least...many...

Sweet dreams :)


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see you. And for you to see the house. Love ya and hope you start feeling better soon.
- Your sis