Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I meant what I said, and I said what I meant. An elephant's faithful, one hundred percent.

I simply LOVE when it's raining out...I'm home alone...and get tons accomplished around the house...(oh, and of course one task at a time...if you read last nights blog...wink wink!). After taking the little blessings to school this morning...I had to force myself to come back home and dig in...but awww the sweet relief I will feel...later today...when the house is filled with many and I will be able to give them my undivided attention. Now THAT'S serenity!

My alone time will be ending shortly though...and will probably not take place again until my head meets Mr. pillow...but hey...way more then I use to have :)...oh, and do you wanna know why it's ending?...because it's Dr. Seuss's birthday...Hello...(in fact it's his 106Th to be exact)...and I am making one very sweet girl...smile ear to ear...knowing that I'm coming to help her class celebrate!....so cute!

I hope you all stay dry out there...and have a wonderful rest of your day...

and when you meet Mr. pillow this evening...I hope you have....

Sweet dreams :)