Saturday, March 27, 2010

my girl

Happy superlious Saturday! wait, did I even spell that!

I've been having a terrific day with my oldest dumpling...It was music to my ears...when she said she'd be willing to go with me to my Daily Method class...although it was hard for me NOT to tell her what to do and just let Stacey (my instructor) be in charge...I just had to look away and concentrate on my own body. From class we went shopping...for most of day...and yes, we were all stinky and everything :) but had some much needed quality time to say the least!

The weather is gorgeous today...and I am feeling MUCH better...I love to look out front and see the kiddo's with their neighborhood buddies...having a blast! thinkin about taken the big pup for a walk and enjoy some last minute daylight. My sweetums is being a lazy bum today and I'm hoping to convince him to share the stroll.

All you gals...(and guys)...who are still in the challenge please don't forget to send me your week 8 points by Monday night!!!

Have a super cozy night and sweet dreams :)


Veronica A. said..., are you still doing the daily method classes at Lucy's or are you somewhere else with your instructor training stuff??? I was telling some friends about the class who live up past the Fountains, but they thought Lucy's was a clothing store. Do I have it wrong? Are there ever day classes? So many questions...Veronica