Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Got home from a great dinner with friends...and just about forgot that I hadn't blogged here I am...had to run out to the computer to type a few words!

I have some new news...and you all are not going to believe this...but we got another puppy...TODAY....yep, I'm totally serious...he is the most adorable thing you've ever seen...another Yorkie (just like Oliver) from the same people...again Picasso's family....we all decided to name him "Scout"...I will have to post some cute pic's soon of the two of them...this evening they just laid on each other and fell asleep...little sweeties for sure! Hoping the night will go fairly easy for this tired gal :) maybe with two...the transition will go smoother!

well I am off to bed...hope you all have many Sweet dreams :)