Monday, April 26, 2010

simple...but nice

Hello my fancy follower's!

How are you all doing on this fabulous Monday! Can you tell I'm in a good mood or what!

Had a great day of teaching my old peeps...which was followed up with some Dailey Method training...(which by the way went really well today)...I'm seriously soooo excited for the studio to open...looks like end of June...and it was fun to finally start talking about days I will be instructing...came home, dinner is made, now just baths and beddy-by for the little when their all tucked in and I can just chill with my sweetums. The oldest is off babysitting for the night...hopefully doing homework too :)

Okay I must dates mom is coming to pick up the extra child I have galloping around...have a great day tomorrow!

Sweet dreams :)