Monday, April 5, 2010

goodbye candied peeps...I love you!

Hello Sweet Cheeks!

Ugh!!!...I woke up this morning with a serious stomach ache...I definitely took FULL advantage of my free points yesterday...and pretty much ate everything in sight...I even ate sweets for goodness was like this crazy woman took over my wellness challenge mind or something....I just couldn't help!!! Did anyone else feel this way???...Jeez...have I learned anything at all in the last 5 months???

After getting past the aches and pains of the morning...I decided I needed a fresh start this week...(with this whole challenge business that is) attitude has not been the best...It REALLY helped to run into to 2 gals that are doing the challenge as well...simply fabulous to hear how it has changed them mentally and physically...they were even saying how much they did NOT want it to end...and if someone was going to continue another round after this one is finished....any takers??? was truly awesome and brought me back to the real reason for starting and continuing this 6 month journey...thank you girls :) just a few words can brighten your week!

Hope you all are having a great evening...sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!!!

Sweet dreams all :)