Well hello there cuties!
I know, I know...It been far and few hasn't it?...(me blogging that is)...ugh...I really do love it...(honestly)...but I just needed to get that "have-to" feeling off my back....so I can once again, "really" enjoy getting on my computer to write to all of you :)
Speaking of you all...how is everyone these days?...can you believe tomorrow is the last day of the "Better Me In 3" Wellness Challenge???? WOW...it will be a full 6 months that I have been doing this...as happy as I was last week...It kinda makes me a bit sad :(....but I will still be blogging...so make sure to come back every now and then!
I hope you all are well...and everyone who has stuck with the challenge...here's a GREAT BIG HUG...for all your hard work....you guys are the best!!!!
I hope your last challenge day is fabulous....
Sweet dreams hot stuffs :)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
tomorrow is the last day :(
Posted by Jenny at 8:59 PM 2 comments
Monday, April 26, 2010
simple...but nice
Hello my fancy follower's!
How are you all doing on this fabulous Monday! Can you tell I'm in a good mood or what!
Had a great day of teaching my old peeps...which was followed up with some Dailey Method training...(which by the way went really well today)...I'm seriously soooo excited for the studio to open...looks like end of June...and it was fun to finally start talking about days I will be instructing...came home, dinner is made, now just baths and beddy-by for the little blessings...awww...love when their all tucked in and I can just chill with my sweetums. The oldest is off babysitting for the night...hopefully doing homework too :)
Okay I must close...play dates mom is coming to pick up the extra child I have galloping around...have a great day tomorrow!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 6:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 25, 2010
lots of pic's!
Happy Sunday!!!
This weekend has been busy, busy, busy!!! Except today of course...which has been just down right relaxing...awwww!
The craziness began Friday morning...and didn't end till Saturday evening...it all started with the middle dumpling going to an all day field trip to the Bernhard Museum...(with daddy in tow)...which made it an extra special day for our little half-pint!Aren't they so cute?
and the littlest dumplings had the special privilege of going to the United States Coast Guard for their field trip...
Mini hero in action!!!
Next came the school play...which was ADORABLE by the way...all 3 of my little ones were in it...definitely made all the boring practices well worth it :)
Here are the mermaids...(she's the silver one)
and Indians...(oh and lets not forget pirates...but he's not mine)...
and last but not least...and not a very good picture...but there is my Lost Boy..although she's really a girl...she's second from the right!
See I told you lots to do in 2 days huh? Whew!!! oh my, almost forgot... I also went to my sister in laws baby shower...I cannot wait to welcome my little nephew into the world soon...and maybe even on my birthday! hehe!
Okay aside from all my busyness...do you all realize that we only have 5 more days left of this challenge....wow...I can't believe it!!! And yes, I know I said it ended on the 30th...which in fact happens to be a Friday...so we will go ahead and end on a Friday...and I say hey...count your weekend to be a celebration!
Have a wonderful week little cutie bugs!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 5:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 22, 2010
I HATE blood test!!!
Hello All!!!
I Had a pretty good day today...went to my Dailey Method class...went on a lunch date with my sweetums...(Ooh la la!)...and then...ugh...had to take the little one to have blood work done...and quite frankly I am now ready for bed...she completely wore me out...between trying to convince her to but her arm up on that darn chair thingy...and STILL trying 45 minutes later...I became VERY frustrated...soooo holding her down was looking better and better...and that my friends is what we did...but it worked and once she realized it wasn't that bad she quickly relaxed...and awwww...I was out of there!!!...Thank you Kim and Jordon for tagging along to help :) you are too kind!
Well, I better hurry off...need to prepare for our crazy day tomorrow of field trips and school play!!! Have a great evening....and...
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 4:26 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
toothless wonder
Good evening sweet stuffs!
I can't believe it...but I almost forgot to post some pic's of the oldest dumpling...right before prom last Saturday!!! She flew solo for the evening...and had a great time!!! Here is a couple pic's...(oh yah...she's the one in the red dress)Silly and all...
Aaww...she's becoming such an awesome young woman these days!
And last but not least...(but really because she might have a cow if I didn't tell you all)...the littlest dumpling...FINALLY lost her tooth...it has been dangling for about 2 weeks...and honestly all I can say is "yuck"...I wanted nothing to do with that loose tooth. Take a peek below at my toothless wonder...
silly girl...is soooo excited to lose a pearly white before her brother...because there are not many things this little one has done first...so I am sure that she will be hanging this one over his head for a very long time!
Well I hope you all had a fantastic day...I went to the movies today...saw "The Last Song"...and jeez Loise was it sad...I sobbed so hard, I've had a headache all day :(
Nighty night and sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 19, 2010
wonderful weekend!
Well hello there you little cuties!
As you can already tell...(by me not blogging everyday)...that I was in desperate need to take some time off from the challenge...I mean...I haven't really let loose all together...because many of the things are so natural to me...that I can't imagine not doing them...but I needed my ever-so-obsessive mind to take a chill pill...and goodness gracious it has been WONDERFUL!!!
I had such a great weekend....busy but nice! The yard sale went pretty good...got rid of the big items...so no complaints here :) the kiddos had a donut/lemonade stand...and I think they might have done better than us...lol! They made a whopping 50 dollars!!!! Yesterday was the "Run Rocklin" race....It was so fun to run with my sweetums and little one...man o man is she getting fast...ssshhh...don't tell sweetums this....but she did WAYYYY better than him...he was a whole minute and a half behind us...suckka!!!!
Awww....so lovin that we have leftovers to eat...the best!!!!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 5:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 16, 2010
tomorrow's yard sale!
Whatup blogger peeps!
Getting ready to go out with some friends tonight...Yahoo!!! I'm beat and am soooo looking forward to some adult conversation and of course spending time with my sweetums :)
Definitely bummed to have to get up and moving early in the morning...but hey...I'd love to sell enough junk to get a new dishwasher...the kiddos will be selling donuts and lemonade...delicious combo huh?
Alright...I better make myself presentable for the evening!
Sweet dreams :0)
Posted by Jenny at 5:47 PM 2 comments
Thursday, April 15, 2010
just waiting
Hi cuties!
I'm sitting here waiting for the little misters baseball game to start...so figured I better journal while I have a few minutes.
Had a good day today...I'm the kiddos art docent...so this morning I presented painters that paint the "Old West"...not my style exactly...but they got into it for sure! Then was able to meet my sister in law for a spur of the moment lunch....which is always lovely :)...and well, now I am here...writing to you all!
This saturday our whole neighborhood is doing a yard sale...if any of you are in need of a king size bed frame and book shelf with lighting...then stop on by...or email me for directions...there will be much to look at!!!
Alright...games about to begin...have a delightful night and....
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 5:08 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Go Half-pint!!!
Hello Sweet cheeks!!!
This past Sunday...my little runner girl ran in the "Zoo Zoom" race...(the one she has been training for)....she did AWESOME!!!...and I am soooo very proud of her! Take a look below...this is her about to cross the finish line!!! Go Half-pint Go!!!
She and I will be running this Sunday in one as well...and I'm sure she will beat the pants off me...since all I've been doing lately is Dailey Method...running has taken second place.
I hope you all are having a spectacular day!
WOOHOO...week 11 almost down!!!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 4:09 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Did you miss me?
Well what do you all think....can you believe I've been gone so long???...from my blog that is!
And yep...you guessed it...I went below 70 points last week...first time in 5 1/2 months...and honestly I was ok with it...I secretly knew I would...with traveling back home and all...I just wanted...well, needed...a "true" vacation...and I've been sooo tired of thinking about my points...I just threw in the towel :) it probably was a good thing for me...I tend to get a little obsessed about things from time to time...and letting go is actually probably a more healthy balance for me at this point.
So about my trip, IT WAS FABULOUS!!!!...didn't get much sleep...but I was able to spend good quality time with each friend and family member...and I was able to just let go and do what ever my little heart desired...heck, I even got a run in one of the mornings...Got to see my niece play soccer and even went to L.A. to see an old friend that I've known since 5Th grade.
Oh yah...one more thing...the plane ride down with my sister's new pup...went grrrreat...the little guy...otherwise known as "Moose...slept the whole time....no one even knew he was there.
Well...I better close...glad to get back to you all!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Can't wait to see my Mommy!
Good morning blogger peeps!
I hope you all slept well last night :)
I am posting early this morning...a little nervous that my traveling companion is arriving soon and throwing another pup in the mix...(for the day..that is) wellllll, whew...might cause me to not have time for anything else!!!
Hoping to post from my phone while I am gone...so again , I'm sure my journaling will be teeny tiny...but hey, at least I will try!!!
Alright chickadees...I need to go...the pile of laundry is calling my name...joy...figured my sweetums could use a little help before I escape...oops, I mean leave...lol!
Have a glorious day :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:34 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I'm leaving....on a jet plane....I don't know if I'll be back again
Good evening all!
awww...just got done with a fabulous dinner with the fam...cleaned up the kitchen...and now...off to think about packing for my trip tomorrow...I am sooo excited to get away for a bit and spend some quality time with family and friends :) The last time I went home to see mom was about a year and a half ago and that was for my ex's funeral...so the time spent was definitely not a happy one.
Again, I was super busy today...had a bunch of errands to run...and the middle dumpling had her running club photos...she is so cute!!! please pray for her...this Sunday is the big race...(the one she's been training for) and today she ran 3 miles non-stop and did great....so I don't think she's worried at all :)...unfortunately I will be gone this Sunday...so I signed her and I up next weekend to run the "Run Rocklin" together
....I ran the 12K last year and it was delightful..so I'm really looking forward to her being with me!!! She's very excited too and I think we've even convinced dad to run...woohoo!!!
Alright, I better close...kiddos are still up...yikes...better get them in bed!!!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
killer headache!!!
Hi Chickadee's!
Last night I went to bed with a BAD headache....and what do you know...woke up with the same BAD headache...ugh!!!...you know the kind that just pounds behind your eyeball
...and of course it lasted most of the today...and wouldn't you know it...I had a million things to get done before I leave on Thursday...3 appointments that I wasn't about to change...one being my hair appt...because seriously, who wants to see old friends when you have bad hair...lol...NOT ME!
Alright...I must close for tonight...I need to shower and veg out for awhile...and I guess prepare for tomorrows list of a million things to do!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 5, 2010
goodbye candied peeps...I love you!
Hello Sweet Cheeks!
Ugh!!!...I woke up this morning with a serious stomach ache...I definitely took FULL advantage of my free points yesterday...and pretty much ate everything in sight...I even ate sweets for goodness sakes...it was like this crazy woman took over my wellness challenge mind or something....I just couldn't help it...lol!!! Did anyone else feel this way???...Jeez...have I learned anything at all in the last 5 months???
After getting past the aches and pains of the morning...I decided I needed a fresh start this week...(with this whole challenge business that is)...my attitude has not been the best...It REALLY helped to run into to 2 gals that are doing the challenge as well...simply fabulous to hear how it has changed them mentally and physically...they were even saying how much they did NOT want it to end...and if someone was going to continue another round after this one is finished....any takers??? Seriously...it was truly awesome and brought me back to the real reason for starting and continuing this 6 month journey...thank you girls :)
WOW...how just a few words can brighten your week!
Hope you all are having a great evening...sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!!!
Sweet dreams all :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter!
Here's a great big... HAPPY EASTER from my home to yours!!!
Hope you all are having a fabulous time with your loved ones!!!
Oh, by the way we made it to the park and back before the rain...whew!!!
Sweet dreams my fancy follower's :)
p.s. don't forget to email your points!
Posted by Jenny at 5:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 2, 2010
Happy Easter weekend!
Hello you little marshmallow peeps!
Take a look below...yep...those are the little cuties...now that you've seen them...can you blame me???
sweet little balls of furry goodness!!!
Seriously...what the heck is with the weather?...we are suppose to be going to a park on Easter...and I'm going to go out on a limb and say that probably won't be happening :( The kiddo's love the egg hunts at the park...looks like Mr. Bunny man will be getting creative this year!
Don't forget challenger's...that we get an extra FREE day this Sunday!!! Live it up!!!! and also don't forget to email me your points by Monday night! With the free day on Sunday I just might also use my normal free day tomorrow which will mean you won't be hearing from me till Monday.
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and very Happy Easter!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 6:55 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Easter eggin it!
As I sit here and type...I have a little ball of furry goodness sitting on my lap :) The night went pretty well...after I got the two of them to understand that it was not playtime...we where in business...or "sleep"ness I should say. Here is a pic of the new little guy...Scout...along with the oldest dumpling!
The kiddo's and I...along with a few friends dyed Easter eggs today...what I want to know...is what happened to the good old days when there was just one type of Easter dye...jeez Louise...now there's tie-dyed, shiny eggs (which just plain stunk)...and some silly face kind...honestly, the old fashioned kind just worked sooo much better and way less messy.
Alright...gotta attempt to clean this house...I've been gone all week trying to be the "fun" mom during spring break...and have left the house in shambles.
Have a cozy evening...and...
Sweet dreams:)
Posted by Jenny at 4:15 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Got home from a great dinner with friends...and just about forgot that I hadn't blogged today...so here I am...had to run out to the computer to type a few words!
I have some new news...and you all are not going to believe this...but we got another puppy...TODAY....yep, I'm totally serious...he is the most adorable thing you've ever seen...another Yorkie (just like Oliver) from the same people...again Picasso's family....we all decided to name him "Scout"...I will have to post some cute pic's soon of the two of them...this evening they just laid on each other and fell asleep...little sweeties for sure! Hoping the night will go fairly easy for this tired gal :) maybe with two...the transition will go smoother!
well I am off to bed...hope you all have many Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
no more flying solo for me
Good afternoon sweets!
Tryin to get a heads up on my day...so decided to blog a bit early! Just picked the little mister up from camp...daddy sat outside for 2 hours watching him...gotta love it! Now we are off to roller skate for the afternoon...love having non-scheduled days every now and then!
I just found out my sister is getting one of Oliver's (our puppy) brother's...so it looks like I will be flying to So. Cal with a furry companion in tow...it's going to be interesting for sure :0)...I seriously can't wait to see the smile across my niece's face when she holds her first ever puppy...they are very excited to meet him!
Well I better scoot...have a great day friends!
Hugs :)
Posted by Jenny at 12:40 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 29, 2010
my little skater boy :)
my little skater boy....aka little mister...started his first day of skateboard camp today and I couldn't be more pleased, as I picked him up...the laid back-slow-talkin-skater man complemented me on how adorable my fearless son is...and even know he was the smallest he was right up front being the first to try all the big boy stunts...I told him...well, that's cause the boy wanted a skateboard at the age of 2 and had no problem with getting all bashed up until he mastered riding down the street!
As I was leaving the skate park it sure did bring me back to my high school skateboardin groupie days...when all I did was hang out in back yards with empty pools and over crowded skate parks and...well...basically...just to watch the boys...yep, that's all I was there to do...but man was it fun...lol!!! Wow...those were the days when all you had to worry about was what to wear...or who was going to give you a ride....awwww memories!!!!!
I'm so bummed that is it suppose to rain for the next couple days...darn it...I had some outdoor spring break plans for the kiddos!
Oh yah....wanted to let you know if your interested my friend Stacey is doing another "Dailey Method" class this Wed. night at Lucy...in the Fountains!
Have a great day tomorrow...week 9 here we come!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 9:30 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 27, 2010
my girl
Happy superlious Saturday!...um wait, did I even spell that right...lol!
I've been having a terrific day with my oldest dumpling...It was music to my ears...when she said she'd be willing to go with me to my Daily Method class...although it was hard for me NOT to tell her what to do and just let Stacey (my instructor) be in charge...I just had to look away and concentrate on my own body. From class we went shopping...for most of day...and yes, we were all stinky and everything :) but had some much needed quality time to say the least!
The weather is gorgeous today...and I am feeling MUCH better...I love to look out front and see the kiddo's with their neighborhood buddies...having a blast! thinkin about taken the big pup for a walk and enjoy some last minute daylight. My sweetums is being a lazy bum today and I'm hoping to convince him to share the stroll.
All you gals...(and guys)...who are still in the challenge please don't forget to send me your week 8 points by Monday night!!!
Have a super cozy night and sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 6:10 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 26, 2010
I heart my sweetums
Hi all you cute things!
Yippee...yahoo...yes!!!!...this is me being super excited that my sweetums is home...he was gone alllll week and I missed him bunches :)
I'm soooo glad I went to the doc's yesterday...the stuff they gave me, allowed me to sleep so much better! I've been quite the happy camper today. The house is clean...carpets are clean...even the lawn looks beautiful...oh and lets not forget the dog getting groomed too...absolutely the best!!!
I'm closing tonight with just a tiny post...can't wait to put the little blessing's to bed and curl up on the couch with my man.
I hope your weekend is delightful!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 25, 2010
random thoughts
Blogging from the old cell phone again...waiting to see the doctor and figured it was a perfect time to journal. My girlfriend was taking me for a massage today...but the lady who was suppose to massage me...told me to come back when I'm feelin better...you think the 2 kleenex's stuffed up each nostril gave me away??? Very tired of sleeping on 4 pillows and realized it was definitely time to take action!
Soooo excited to have the carpets cleaned in the morning...awww the simple pleasures in life...who would have thought I'd be more happy to have carpets done then go get a pedicure...well wait...maybe not a pedicure...but I'm sure you got the picture!
WOW...the doctors office is full of many characters this morning...trying not to stare to hard at the woman with no teeth...lol...ok that was mean huh?
Gotta go for now...have a peaceful day sweet friends!
Hugs :)
Posted by Jenny at 9:57 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
So. Cal here I come!
Hello sweet cheeks!
I'm so excited...just got tickets to fly down and visit my family in So. Cal...haven't been there in a very lonnngggg time and can't wait to see my sister's new house and meet up with a few friends!...I'm actually going to paint a couple of bathrooms and help with decor...but hey, anything for a weekend away with my momma and sis!
Kiddo's have half day from school the rest off the week...then their out for 2 WHOLE weeks...what the heck do they need 2 weeks off is what I'd like to know!
Well off to baseball we go!!! The little mister is quite the cutie in his A's uniform...(if I don't say so myself).
Have a fantastic evening all...and last but not least...many...
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 3:30 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Sweet Jesus...give me just one day off!
I was having a fairly low key morning...(still am tryin to get better from this awful cold that's clinging to my body)...a girlfriend of mine even made me veggie soup and bread...which was delicious by the way...thanks Jayme :)..and then the afternoon hit...ugh...and lots of weird stuff happened...causing my get well day to turn upside down...but hey...that's what having kids is all about...right?
Oh well...tomorrow's a new day...have to teach my class whether I'm better or not...hoping for a good nights sleep...the pup is doing soooo much better...thank goodness.
Ok...off to watch the rest of A.I. and some Biggest Loser...wow....am I lookin like a huge couch potato or what!
Hope you all are off to a wonderful week 8 of our challenge!!! 1 more month to go chickadee's!!! Just posted week 7's points!!!
Nighty night and sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 9:16 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 22, 2010
Does this mean I'm feeling sorry for myself...or what?
Good morning!
Yep it's official...I'm SICK....ugh!!!! I was really hoping it was just allergies darn it! I even took off work and training today...not something I often do...the throat is NOT lookin to good :(
I did come out of my cocoon this morning and went to a thrift store...still trying to finish finding pieces for the little dumplings school play...2 of them still need a few items to finish off their costumes.
I am now going back to the couch....just wanted to get my journaling off my mind...I know...definitely not the right kind of attitude one should have who is leading up a wellness challenge...huh?...and actually...you all might want to know...I'm in need of some motivation... Especially lately...I'm barely hangin on sista's!
Just looked up a few modivating qoutes...thought this one fit the bill for today...
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall."
ok...enough from me today...I am just going to close...and pray for the rest of the week and all the goodness it may bring.
Posted by Jenny at 11:30 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Go A's!!!!
Good afternoon girlfriends!
Mobile blogging again...at the women's conference...with an hour break...so figured now is a good time to hop in my car and journal!
Was a little late this morning getting here...Oliver had a doctors appt...that I couldn't reschedule. It's always fun taking the pups in for their appointments...just like when my kiddo's were babies...loved to see what they weighed...etc...he's 2 lbs 4 ounces...such a little sweetie I tell ya :)
I hope you all are enjoying the weather...can't wait to see the little mister's 1st. Baseball game of the season...sshhh...sneaking out of the conference a bit early!
Hugs to you all :)
Posted by Jenny at 1:14 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 19, 2010
Hi All!
Writing a super quick post this afternoon...have a million and one things to do...then off to the Women's conference at C.C.C. for the evening and all day tomorrow.
Many times when I have way to much to do...for some reason...I shut down...so of course I went and saw a movie..."Remember Me"...earlier today...pretty stupid on my part...but hey...remember me saying every so often I NEED to take a mental health day?...well...this was a mini one :)
Have a GREAT weekend girlfriends!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 3:24 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 18, 2010
my "Cute" drawer
Happy Thursday blogger peeps!
Trying to post a little earlier...hoping to avoid the eye lids from dropping as I type!
Sooo, I know I keep bringing up the whole..."Simple Abundance" book I've been reading...but this stuff is fabulous! It has seriously been speaking to my heart lately...every time I pick it up and read that days text...I just get all warm and fuzzy inside...the recent thing the author suggested was to make a "feel-good" drawer for yourself...(mine's called my "cute drawer")...it says this drawer should be somewhere in your house that only you can look at and only YOU could relate to.
I chose one of the drawers in my bedside table...and, at the moment I have only 2 things staring back at me...but, I wanted to take my time with my drawer. 1 of the 2 is a gift that arrived a couple weeks ago...from my darling mother-in-law...it happens to be a sweet little fairy that is lying on a piece of tree bark...it came with a tiny little scrolled letter...telling me all about my new whimsical friend...and believe me...I know you all are thinking I'm a big nerd for loving this little pretend fairy...but that is why she is tucked gently in my cute drawer for only me to see. Some of the ideas the author gave to put in this drawer of yours was...your fav. tea, a picture, a pretty candle, a book...you see...the possibilities are endless...it's your drawer...and only yours.
Alright...I must close...the little mister needs a haircut.
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 3:43 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Happy St. Patti's day!
Hello all you little leprechaun's!
All the kids made leprechaun traps this week...and not one of them was able to catch one...the little mister was quite disappointed...he was really hoping to keep one in his room...ha! yes...a little man in a cage...what the heck!
Went for lunch today for a friends b-day...always nice to be with the girls...I have such an awesome group of friends from the kiddos school. I'm so blessed to have met them this year...and am looking forward to many more school years with you all.
The weather has been great!!!...even busted out a sundress today...(green of course)...ooh la la:)...but those darn mosquito's are awful...oh wait...even worse...the allergies that come along with all those beautiful blooming flowers...sigh...mixed emotions I guess.
I must say, the attitude was a bit better today...still not 100%...but working on it!
Have a good evening you sweet things and....
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:24 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
grumpy = me ;)
Yesss!!!...finally got a little more sleep last night...although, with my grumpy attitude its probably not looking like it...lol...I bet my sweetums wants me to try and get a bit more...like now!
Today was definitely busy...one thing right after another...ugh...I'm so glad this is not an everyday thing!
I'm blogging tonight from my phone...again, the oldest is having to do homework on the computer...and actually, its kinda nice just to lay in bed and type...(Or press) away!
Well I better close before I start yelling at all of you too...j.k...I really need to get a grip...I'm hoping tomorrow to wake with a smile!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:31 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
Welcome Sunshiney Day
Awwww....the sunshine was fabulous today!...not often will you hear me say that I'm excited about the sun...but really do love it when its still cool enough to wear a sweater and pants!
Ok...I seriously feel like I have just had a baby...I am getting NO sleep at all with the new addition that has enter our family...little Oliver...otherwise known as Olly Pop...has been waking every couple hours for the last 4 nights...and although, the little 2 lb. ball of fluff is soooo cute...a decent nights sleep is surely needed.
I just realized I have to be at the little dumplings school tomorrow from 2 - 7 pm...and am not feeling to happy about it...might have to skip play practice...oh darn...lol!
oh...by the way...anyone in the market for a hamster and all her belongings??? FREE to anyone who's interested!!!
Alright chickadee's...this girl is going to bed...
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:20 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 14, 2010
free point
using my FREE journaling point!!!!
Talk with you all tomorrow!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:52 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 13, 2010
sleep...I need...sleep!
Good Saturday evening!
I hope you all are having a great weekend so far! I was in San Fran. all day...attending a Dailey Method workshop...very fun...It was awesome to be able to see what a real studio is going to be like....there must have been 50 people! The Roseville studio can't open quick enough!
I am absolutely exhausted I tell ya!!! Oliver has kept me up the last 2 nights...(wow...I guess we're back to the old drawing board)...wait...was it me that said I could do this again?...sigh...I'd really love it if he slept a little better tonight....please!!!
Alright...I'm off to beddie by...
Sweet dreams you cute things :)
Posted by Jenny at 9:37 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 12, 2010
Oliver is his name...(I hope!)
Okay, listen up chickadee's...
the other night I told you all about something that had happened that was...wellll...I guess a bunch of emotions all wrapped up in one...(and maybe even a little premature)...but I just didn't want to spill the beans before I knew for sure...so, hear it goes...oh, and frankly...you all are going to think I've flipped my lid...buttt, a few days ago I received a phone call from the friend I bought Picasso from and she wanted to let me know that her sister...(the house that Picasso's parents came from)...had a litter of 9 week old Yorkie puppies and If I'd like...she would bring them down from Apple Hill...for our family to choose one....yes!!!!....I know what you all are thinkin...but for us to have a chance to get a puppy...that is technically related to my sweet Picasso....well honestly....it just felt right...we knew for sure that we would start looking soon...but never did I imagine it would be THIS soon...we also knew we wouldn't get the chance from the same family until a year from April...well, that was not soon enough....sooooo...
I am proud to announce the newest little dumpling to our already large family....Sir Oliver (___?___haven't chosen his middle name yet...oh, and Sweetums seems to think that his name might not be Oliver...but...um, hello it is)!
Isn't he just about the cutest thing you could even imagine?
I simply loveeeee him :0)
It's been what I call a "bittersweet" kind of week...and now...I'm expecting for more of that "sweet"...to be filling my days!
Have a fabulous weekend All!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 5:34 PM 2 comments
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Another night of the plain nothings...ugh! Is this normal...after 170 plus nights of blogging...to just not want to say anything at all??? Because if I'm being honest...I need just a few nights of not writing...not thinking...not anything...but I don't want to lose out on my points...sooo...I will power through...with only a few complaints..and hope this passes soon.
I hope you all are doing better than I...(with your daily journaling that is)...everything else seems to be going strong...thank goodness!
nighty night all...
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 10:02 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Good evening all!
My life has been a little crazy lately...sigh...being gone for the weekend which was followed by what had happened to Picasso...my journaling has somewhat been shoved to the wayside...I get to the computer and just can't think.
Tonight we buried Picasso in the perfect spot in our backyard...had a little service for him with the kiddos...and each decided to place something in the hole to be with him...the kids were precious...a couple of them made pictures...one put a picture and letter...and I ...well, I busted out a pair of my undies...and yep tossed those babies in...ha...I know...really weird...but he always ran off with our underwear and would hide them under the bed...little freak!...but seriously...I'm so glad to have him home with us...where he belongs.
I received some really cool...kinda crazy...not sure what we will do...news this morning...but will have to get back to you all on this one...sorry...more to come soon!
I'm so looking forward to my Dailey Method class in the morning...awwww...maybe my brain will come back!
Off to watch A.I.
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 9:28 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Hi sweets!
Well...honestly, not much to say this evening!...or maybe I'm just so tired that my brain has already switched to off...but I am actually at a lose for words.
Woke up at about 4:30 am...(my stupid phone alarm went off on accident)...and never went back to sleep...read a little out of my fabulous Simple Abundance book...again, priceless...(but will need to go into later)...unfortunately had to visit a good friend in the hospital...sigh...but everything turned out to be A OKAY...(thanks Jesus)...took kiddos to play practice and on to baseball...see...told ya...not much to talk (or type) about!
Hope you all have a great nights sleep...I am off to dreamland myself...
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 9:03 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 8, 2010
little man you are forever missed
As I write this tonight, my heart is so heavy with grief...our sweet little Picasso passed away yesterday...we are all having such a hard time with it...ugh...awful accidents are the worst...He was such a wonderful addition to our family...its hard to imagine it without him. Our other dog just seems lost without his little buddie pestering him 24/7 :( It seems like our whole neighborhood was involved and I honestly couldn't ask for better people to live around....they are the best! Thanks for all the prayers. Below is a picture of our "little man" with his mommy
He will forever stay in our hearts
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 9:31 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 7, 2010
We love you Picasso!
Top of the morning to ya!
Mobile blogging again!
We are still up here in the mountains...the kiddos were delighted to see all the snow falling yesterday...WOW is it beautiful this time of year...we took a snow hike...trying to find Fallen leaves lake...(I think that's what its called)...anyways, after my sweetums got a little turned around, and a couple hours into it...the kids had had enough adventures for one day...so, no lake siting...but plenty of snowball fights...lots of quality time and with only a few complaints :)
I must tell you all... our hearts have been heavy during all this mountain fun and we sure have been trying to keep good spirits with the kiddos in tow...because yesterday around noon we found out our precious Yorkie "Picasso"...had been severely attacked by another dog...while on a walk with a neighbor friend :(...he was rushed to the emergency room...and the doctors were able to perform surgery...telling us upon arrival he still seemed a little spunky...(Which was good)...so I ask for you all to keep us, him, and the attackers owner...(Who is also a friend...and put their dog down last night)...in your thoughts and prayers...and that picasso will pull through this...with no infections.
We were going to cut our trip short after hearing the awful news yesterday...but the doctor...(Very sweet man)...assured us there was nothing we could do...nor could we have seen him...and for the kids, it would have been better than sitting at home. So, with that advice...we have made the best of it.
I hope you all have had a great weekend...please send in your week 5 points by Monday night!!!
Hugs :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:03 AM 1 comments
Friday, March 5, 2010
snow day
Hello sweet cheeks!
Having a blissful time here in Tahoe! The little dumplings are sooo excited to be up here...their in the other room rehearsing a dance they've made up for my sweetums and I to watch...so cute! We were in the snow most of the day...3 of them went snow boarding...and the littlest one and I had a fabulous time sledding...she finally built up the courage to fly down the mountain alone...for her, that's really something.
Guess I should close...I need to pay close attention to the ballerinas that are about to take stage! Hope you all have a relaxing weekend.
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 4, 2010
my inner reservior
Hi cute things!
You all know that during last nights blogging, I really didn't have much to say...right?...and before about 30 minutes ago I was having another afternoon of the "plain nothings"...(much nicer way than saying brain fart...don't you think?...he he!)...anyways, I decided to take a break from the computer...sit down with some tea...and read my daily uplifting text. Wellll, believe it or not...today's reading had to do with that very subject...(awww.......thank you Jesus....for your continual gifts)...it talked about creating a reassuring ritual for yourself....you know, to access your inner reservoir...that deep place within you inhabited by imagination...wait, stop right there...aren't you all impressed by my extensive vocabulary?...lol!!!...no seriously, I truly need to create some kind of ritual for myself when it come to my journaling each day...basically one that doesn't consist of 4 kids running and screaming....dieing for my attention! Some of the examples given in the book were...prepare a special drink (um, wine?...j.k.), lighting a pretty candle, putting the kids to bed first (duh, why didn't I think of that)...and even perhaps taking a nice relaxing bath.
Goodness...this stuffs sounds simply delightful...what the heck am I waiting for!!! A big thanks to Ms. Sarah Ban Breathnach, for all her wise words that speak to my heart daily :)
Oh, one more thing...I will be in the mountains for a few days...so if my phone doesn't end up working...know, that I am writing all my thoughts on paper and have you all in mind!
Have a wonderful Friday!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 4:49 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
not much
Happy Wednesday all!
It's raining...it's not raining...try and go to softball practice...never mind it's raining...um ok...it's not raining...drop off at running club...oh SHOOT....it's raining...ugh...seriously!!!!
I had a fairly pleasant day...ran a bunch of errands...actually pretty boring to be honest...but hey, anythings better then having a stressful day.
Nothing great even coming to mind to write...so I will close and just be happy with the fact...that I can now check of my journaling point for the day.
Oh wait, I am going to dinner with my sweetums...now there's something!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 6:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I meant what I said, and I said what I meant. An elephant's faithful, one hundred percent.
I simply LOVE when it's raining out...I'm home alone...and get tons accomplished around the house...(oh, and of course one task at a time...if you read last nights blog...wink wink!). After taking the little blessings to school this morning...I had to force myself to come back home and dig in...but awww the sweet relief I will feel...later today...when the house is filled with many and I will be able to give them my undivided attention. Now THAT'S serenity!
My alone time will be ending shortly though...and will probably not take place again until my head meets Mr. pillow...but hey...way more then I use to have :)...oh, and do you wanna know why it's ending?...because it's Dr. Seuss's birthday...Hello...(in fact it's his 106Th to be exact)...and I am making one very sweet girl...smile ear to ear...knowing that I'm coming to help her class celebrate!....so cute!
I hope you all stay dry out there...and have a wonderful rest of your day...
and when you meet Mr. pillow this evening...I hope you have....
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 10:17 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 1, 2010
Grace Kelley = Serenity
Good evening Hot stuffs!
I can't believe we are already moving into week 5...I've got some rock stars on my hands I tell ya!
This morning I was reading my up-lifting text from a book called "Simple Abundance". Today's reading was titled..."Restoring Serenity to your Daily Endeavors"...I thought..."perfect", just what I need :)...it talked about how we can dramatically change the quality of our live's when we consciously seek to restore serenity in our day to day endeavors...it continued with...us as women, frequently feeling like we are about to spin right off this planet with all of the "stuff" we have on our plates...Before reading this morning, I took pride in my multitasking abilities....I actually might have even mastered that special talent...but NOW...ugh...do I really want to be good at doing 500 things at once...or do I want to be a cool, calm serene woman...who doesn't scatter her energies into all 500 places...but recovers by concentrating on one task at a time...each hour of the day...and giving each one my undivided attention...awww...yes...in fact...that's the woman I aspire to be...one that will hopefully experience...Serenity!!!!
Allow me to close with a prayer from my morning reading...
God give us the grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed;
Courage to change the things that should be changed;
And wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:50 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Hello my fancy followers!
Mobile blogging this evening...ugh!!!...my oldest is typing her term paper...so I couldn't very well kick her off...which means tonight's journeling will be short and sweet. Oh, and please forgive any misspelled words.
Had a great day...class this morning...followed with some more training...then came home and decided to make something new for dinner...ran to Trader Joe's...had a glass of wine (yep, took my free point)...and made the most delicious salmon topped with apples that were simmered with balsamic vinegar and honey...definitely a keeper :)
I hope you all had a nice relaxing Saturday...sleep tight and don't let the bugs bite...
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:23 PM 5 comments
Friday, February 26, 2010
it's raining...it's pouring
WOW...the rain is really coming down out there!
I'm super excited to be in for the evening...and even more excited that my sweetums is returning home after being gone for a few days!
I started "The Dailey Method" instructor training today...Yippee!!!...and again, I must tell you all...It is so awesome!!!
...If you are interested in trying out a modified version of the class...come to Lucy (in the Fountains at Roseville) next Wednesday at 6pm...promise..you will love it!
Thought I'd send a little more cuteness your way...my middle dumpling...has gotten a head start on her dream to be a professional runner
...she has officially become a member of the nearby running club!...yesterday she was fitted for her shoes..and was given a little tutorial on how to care for them...she's really looking forward to starting!
Guess the rain has stopped...I just peeked outside and saw the most beautiful rainbow...thank you sweet Jesus for that little radiant gift...I tried to capture it for you all to see
...kiddos just asked if we could run to the end of it...lol!
Hope you have a glorious weekend!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 4:13 PM 2 comments
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Excuse me sir...do you happen to be homeless?
As I was driving through Starbucks this morning...I came across this homeless man...(I'm sure waiting for some kind soul to grant him with his morning cup of joe)...he was just sitting there...filthy and cold...but the thing that really "Got" me...was he had the brightest smile you can imagine...and I thought later that day...why am I not smiling more these days?...what is my problem?...My issues don't even compare to his, I'm sure. As I passed him this morning...I had this sick feeling inside...and if I wasn't already running late...I would have turned around...honestly, I should have turned around...and usually I do...Usually I will ask them what kind of food they would like...(meaning closest fast food available)...and usually they will ramble off a full menu...even dessert for goodness sakes...which completely cracks me up...what on earth is with that?
Now here's the real topper to my heart for the homeless...several months ago...I was dining with a friend downtown....while leaving (with a bunch of leftovers)...we decided it would be nice just to pass them on...wellll....are you ready for this one...I actually tried giving my food to a man that WAS NOT even homeless...lol...I swear he looked like it...although after I totally humiliated myself and him....I realized the matching luggage at his feet should have been a clue....ha!
Awwww...goal number 192 :)...smile more...why not!
I hope you all are having a superlious day!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 2:57 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
yogurt, granola, & honey.....oh my!
Hello darlings!
I had a great day with dear ol dad...took him to the bank...then on to his haircut and of course lunch...its nice having some one on one time every now and then with him!
I realized last night I told you all that I had read my sister-in-laws blog...but never gave you the link to check it out....so here you go...
It's really fun reading her stuff...plus you all can check out my super cute niece :)
I'm sure most of you have tried Greek yogurt before...but I just discovered I Lovvvveee it! Yesterday I was taste testing in Costco and tried some with honey...and boy was it yummy...
so this morning I mixed that delicious yogurt with some granola and honey...and made myself an extra special breakfast! I also went to Fage's (the brand of yogurt I bought) website and found some tasty recipes...
Might I close with another fabulous quote...
“You must love yourself before you love another. By accepting yourself and fully being what you are, your simple presence can make others happy.”
Sweet dreams :0)
Posted by Jenny at 3:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
I look upon myself as an indoor gardener
Good evening you sweet things!
I just finished reading my sister-in-laws blog for the day...and she had posted pictures of these really fabulous garden boxes that my brother-in-law recently built...and I gotta tell you...I just might be a bit jealous :)...not because they have those boxes (although they are awesome)...but because they are going to have fresh veggies right at their finger tips, 24/7. I have always aspired to be a gardener...I can just picture myself, in one of those cute little aprons...carrying my cute little bucket...feeling all Martha Stewart "ish"...but that's all it is...a picture in my head...because honestly, I just don't have it...I don't have that special something it takes to make a garden flourish...nor would I even know where to begin...so I will just sit back and pray that they will have an over abundance and will send some my way :)
A cute little poem...(for all you martha's out there)...
The kiss of the sun for pardon,
The song of the birds for mirth,
One is nearer God's heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth.
~Dorothy Frances Gurney, "Garden Thoughts"
Alright, its bath time, so I must close for the night...I hope you have a peaceful evening with your loved ones!
I will be posting week 3's points tonight...so check it out!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 6:52 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 22, 2010
A laugh is a smile that bursts
Happy 4th week to you all!
I truly hope you all are finding the challenge to be getting a little easier...and those awful cravings for sweets and soda have started to subside.
My girl had a fabulous time at homecoming this weekend...she looked absolutely stunning....here's a goofy pic of her and a couple friends...
Silly teenagers!
So today I read that laughing 100 times...roughly equals 15 minutes on an exercise bike....what???...if this is correct...please tell me some jokes...quick! No really, don't you all just love to laugh...it's one of the best things to me...I just love those super hard laughs...the kind that make you fall on the floor and pee your pants...this is probably one of the reasons I adore visiting my friend in New York City...he and I laugh non-stop...at everything and nothing! I believe it really encourages the "right" kind of attitude..and relieves so much tension. I think my goal tomorrow will be to laugh 100 times...what do you all think?...I think it will make me look more like a psycho...than anything else :)
Alright, alright...my sweetums is begging me to wrap it up...I think he's waiting for me to watch our Monday night t.v...sleep well....and...
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 21, 2010
free day!
Taking my journaling free point! Be back tomorrow :)
Posted by Jenny at 4:35 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 20, 2010
A little bit of this....and a little bit of that!
Good morning sweet cheeks :)
Another busy day for this girl!..today's business is being wrapped around the little blessings "homecoming banquet"...so of course...one must start getting ready at 2 o'clock...right?...you know we have make-up being done...then on to hair...oh and pictures at (2 different houses)...yikes...what's it going to be like on her wedding day?...actually, I'm kinda picking fun at the whole thing...but really do love it :)
Last nights game was fun...would have been better if I wasn't feeling so yucky...the girls were absolutely adorable! Here's a pic before they went on...little cutie pie's!
I told you all about the great deal amazon was having on some of their magazine subscriptions...I ended up ordering Yoga, Eating Well, and Fitness...and LOVE them all...you can't beat 5 dollars for a year.
After pictures tonight...we are taking my sister-in-law out for a 35th birthday celebration...woohoo...no kids, some adult conversation....with a few of my favorite people...what more could I ask for....just want to feel good...and all will be glorious in my little world.
I hope you all are having a bright eyed and bushy tailed Saturday morning...
Hugs :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:27 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 19, 2010
Go Viking's!
I'm Blogging early this evening...and trying to get geared up for a very long evening... It's the homecoming game tonight...woohoo!...and I have 3 very excited cheerleaders on my hands!...Yes you read that right, 3 of them...the two little ones have the special privilege of cheering with their big sis tonight for part of the game....you can only imagine the giggles in this house!
I received the contract for the new job today...and I believe I just might sign that baby...and hope and pray for the best. I went to a another class this morning and took a friend...who actually turned to me while working out and mouthed the words..."I Hate You"...ha....you know who you are and I love you for even going with me...lol!
Alright...I better get going....I'm already NOT getting a shower before leaving...gross I know! Have a great evening and weekend.
Sweet dreams Hot stuffs :)
Posted by Jenny at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 18, 2010
okay...I'm listening
Oh ya, Oh ya oh ya....I finally figured out how you all can leave comments again..don't you just love it when you try and try and finally succeed?...awww, the little things in life :)
Sooo...I'm seriously considering taking on this new job offer...that has recently been tossed my way. It is to be an instructor for "The Dailey Method" studio that will open in May!...I'm super delighted at just the thought of it...but I'm trying hard to just pray and of course listen...and hope He answer's quickly...because I need to give a yes or no...SOON!
Okay...gotta go...I know everyone is starving (to death...if I'm quoting them)...have a wonderful evening all!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 5:22 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
king of snooze
Hello Cutie pies!
Awww....the sunshine was fabulous today!...(don't get me wrong I am definitely a fall/Winter kind of girl)...it just felt sooo good I couldn't help but smile :)...I also had a MUCH better day today (as you can probably already tell)...
Ok, wait... let me back up a bit...
At 4:30 AM (it wasn't lookin promising)...I was awoken by my sweetums alarm clock ringing ever so loudly in my ear...(which continued about 3 more times because he is the king of pushing that stupid snooze button)...anyways....when I looked over again and realized it was now 5 AM and I was definitely was NOT going back to sleep...I seriously started questioning what God was trying to do to me....Jeez Louise...I can't go to sleep in a bad mood and wake at such an hour...but believe it or not...I had a GREAT day...I taught my class...went to kiddos school for a bit...had lunch with my dear friends...and last but not least...I came back home...and CLEANED...Yep, even those darn showers!...It was fantastic to have such a productive day on such little sleep! Sorry God...forgive me for doubting you :)
My oldest is having "duct tape" day at her school tomorrow...um...what the heck is that?...All I can hear right now is her ripping duct tape off to make some kind of outfit...what!
I hope you all are finding week 3 to be a little easier.
have a glorious evening....and
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:20 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Calgon take me awwwayyyyy!!!
Hi All!
Still can't figure out how to comment on my blog.....soooo irritating!
I'm not sure whats up with me today...but boy am I scatter-brained! I Must be pms-ing or something because EVERYTHING is on my last nerve.
Super short post this evening...I need to make time to get everyone's points on the spreadsheet and posted by the end of tonight....and also take care of my peeps here at home :)
Hope you all are having a better day than I...
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 6:14 PM 1 comments
Monday, February 15, 2010
Good evening all you week 3 challenger's!
UGH....just found out that nobody can post to my blog...It's driving me CRAZY I tell ya...If you all wouldn't mind...would you please try and if it works let me know how you did it? Thanks ahead of time :)
I hope you all had a great weekend...my valentine and I went for sushi last night and boy was it delicious!...I love having one on one time with him....so nice to just reflect on life without little ears and mouths nearby.
It was great to have everyone home the last few days....but boy am I looking forward to getting back to our regular weekly schedule...Can't wait to have my hair done tomorrow...it almost makes me giddy just thinkin about it...definitely one of those favorite things of mine!...awww...if only someone could massage my scalp everyday....I swear this would make for an even nicer me...lol!
Well I better close...Sweetums took half pint on a date this evening (so cute)...but I'm now wondering why its past her bedtime and their STILL GONE!...Think I'll let this one go though.
Sweet dreams sweet friends :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:58 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Be Mine
Happy Valentine's day all you little love bugs!
Yes...another morning post! Thought I'd save this evening for my Valentine...WAIT, that is assuming I have one...snicker...My kiddos asked me yesterday if daddy asked me yet...I replied..."asked me what?"...and they all yelled..."mom...you know...if you want to be his Valentine!"...(again, another squeezable moment)...I tryed to explain to them that I thought it was just a given that husband and wife were each others Valentine...but they definitely cleared that one up...telling me..."absolutely NOT...that daddy NEEDED to ask me!!!"...sooo, there you have it...I might not really have a Valentine after all :)
Awww...what's a girl to do!
Had another wonderful evening of watching my girl on stage...I just love it I tell ya!
So have you all checked out "The Pioneer Woman's" website before? My mother-in-law told me about it...and I simply can't get enough...I keep coming to the computer to read more...she's this city girl who married a country man whom she refers to as her "Marlboro Man"...(so cute)...the website has all kinds of fun stuff to read...from her cookbook...to photography...to giveaways! Check it out if you have a moment :)....Her link is under "My Blog list"...down there to the left of my page!
Ok...for those of you in the challenge...don't forget to email me your points (tonight or tomorrow)...and I truly hope you have a footloose and fancy-free points day!
Smile :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:47 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 13, 2010
My little star!
Hello all & Happy Valentine's Eve!!!
Soooo...what do you all think of my new background?...I know it's a little obnoxious...but hey most Valentine's stuff is right?...Although I must admit...I am such a sucker for all that cutie cupcakey red and pink lovey stuff :)
Alright...I swear I'm not just saying this...but my oldest dumpling was fantastic last night! We all sat there shocked...staring at one another...wondering where has she been hiding this fabulous voice all along...who would of thought...well, let me take that back...her dad had a melt-your-heart type of voice...(so I'm sure that's where it came from)...because I do my best singing in the shower...and only in the shower....if you know what I mean :) I told you all I'd share some pic's...so here you go...
I have a million and a half things to do today...So I better close..plus the kiddos are dieing for french toast...(gotta love Saturday mornings with the fam)...oh and my sweetums refuses to get out of bed until it's ready...um...hello...maybe he should buy me a maid uniform for V-day....lol!
Hugs :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:55 AM 1 comments
Friday, February 12, 2010
Her big debut!
Hello you little cuties!
I know I keep bringing up this whole "Daily Method" stuff up these days...but listen here sisters....it is seriously addicting!...went to another class this morning and took along a fellow challenge buddy...(who now has signed up to go back next week)...I honestly couldn't wait to attend today's class...and I'm delighted to report that I'm definitely NOT as sore as last week :) Here is the website so you all can check it out too...www.thedailymethod.com
I'm sure you all are wondering...what's with the early post?...wellll my oldest dumpling has a big part in her school play this evening..."The happiest Millionaire"...she even has singing parts...(and has refused to rehearse in front of me)...so I can't WAIT to see it! Pic's coming soon :)
Ok...I better get showered and ready for her big debut...don't forget this weekend is Valentine's day...which means an EXTRA FREE DAY...woohoo!!!
Have a wonderful evening!
Sweet dreams :
Posted by Jenny at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 11, 2010
It's calling my name
Imagine your in the middle of a very hectic day..absolutely swamped by work...meetings...phone calls...emails...and all you want to do is go home...put your snugglies on...and veg out....
welllll...by the looks of me and how tired I am...you would think that maybe my day looked somewhat even close to that...but nooo...all I did was spend my morning organizing the little dumplings valentines party and going to lunch with a hand full of fabulous moms....so what on earth is my problem???...sigh...and to think, my sweetums probably feels this way everyday with a much more realistic version of the above.
Okay...I know...I have told you all about my never ending laundry issue...right? Well at this very moment...(or maybe since Tuesday)...but who's counting :)...I have had about 7 loads of laundry sitting here all folded and everything...just waiting to be put away...staring at me from across the room!
But seriously, I would rather go to the obgyn than put those babies away right now!!!
Oh Great!...now that I'm starting to feel guilty...knowing you-know-who probably really did have "that" kind of day...and guessing with his "act's of service" love language he would soooo love walking in to a clean home.
So I will get off my tushy and plan for a peaceful evening!
Nightie night and sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 4:17 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
short and sweet
Hi All!
Tonight's class at Lucy was fantastic! Man o Man that class kicks booty...my legs were shakin so bad I felt like maybe I was having a seizure...ha...but after sneaking a peek at the gal next to me...my mind was quickly put to ease!...It's just a HARD class!!!
So with that being said...I am closing this evening with a super short post...head is pounding and I think me and Mr. Sandman have some talkin to do.
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
In a blink of an eye
Hello darlings!
I can not believe that 6 years ago today I gave birth to my sweet little twins...it is so crazy how the years go by so quick...I know people tell you that all the time...but this seems extra fast...and maybe it's because their the babies in the family...but I think I need a little extra time here :(
So I told you all about The Daily Method class I attended last week right?...Well tomorrow night is the night she hosting a FREE class at the Lucy in the Fountains...it starts at 6pm...soooo, I was wondering if any of you all are interested in attending too...it's a really great workout...and it's being held in a really great shop...and even greater that it's free....so what do you all think...any takers????
My sweetums and I did a yoga video together this evening and it was really fun...although I found myself eyeing him the whole time doing all these funky poses and had trouble with the relaxation part of it all :)
Allow me to close with a little motivational quote..."We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit."
Aristotle...(just thought it fit)
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 9:06 PM 1 comments
Monday, February 8, 2010
Fame......I want to live for ever....I want to learn how to fly....
I have a little sicky home again today...ugh! Is this Gods way of telling me to slow down a little or what???
Several days ago I rented the movie "Fame"...against my husbands better judgement...(since it was only rated 27% on rottentomatoes.com)...anyways...I finally was able to finish it...only took me 3 days...sigh...but finally...mission accomplished...and I loved it!...honestly you can throw any dance movie my way and I'm in heaven. Growing up, It was a dream of mine to attend a school for the arts...even when I was in 2nd grade the teacher suggested to my parents that they look into it...but the nearest one...would have meant a long bus ride each day...which meant the answer was a big fat NO!
...and I have always wondered how different my life would be if they would have taken that risky step.
Just recently my heart broke when my middle dumpling had to break it to me that she was done with ballet...UGH, she says it's boring and that she dreads going...sigh again...I was so sad...and maybe I was living vicariously through her...because I took every kind of dance under the sun...and was definitely NOT bored! She is really good too...Awwww...but if it's not her thing...I will graciously listen to what is and do all I can to lead her in that direction....thank goodness that the little one is still in love with dance...so I'll take anything I can get :)
Great job everyone on last weeks progress!!! Here's to a second week!!!
Have a fantastic evening!
Sweet Dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 3:15 PM 3 comments
Sunday, February 7, 2010
WooHoo week 1 down!!!!!
Good Morning!!!...ooh I never get to type this...(I'm always posting in the evening's)
I took my free jounaling point last night...but I'm back for sure today! We had a grrrreat time with friends last night...most of you who know me can probably guess where we went to dinner....yep, it was Banderas indeed!...aawww I love that place....delish!
Soooo...what's the plans for this crispy Super Bowl Sunday?...honestly, I could go by without even turning the tv on...buuutttt my Sweetums would definitely not have it...so I will sit with the best of them...put on a smiley face and pretend I'm somewhat into it...(all done with a happy heart of course)....ha!
ok listen up girlie's....this is simply fabulous...we have 76...(yes you read that right)...76 people participating in the challenge....isn't that AWESOME...now I need to put this 760 dollars I have sitting in front of me in a secret spot...or maybe I should skip town and go on a shopping spree....juussst kidding! It has been a blast hearing from people all over the U.S....most I don't even personally know....you guys ROCK!!!
I hope you all have been having a great first week...and your not cursing at me right about now...lol! Keep up the good work...it gets easier!
Have a wonderful day!
I know I ALWAYS close with sweet dreams...but I feel silly typing it at 9 am...so I will close with a...
BIG hug and a wet juicy smooch :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:42 AM 4 comments
Friday, February 5, 2010
Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person's physical, emotional, and mental states.
Holy toledo...I could barely get out of bed this morning!!!...my quads are KILLING me...and going to the bathroom has been a challenge in itself...lol! I also wanted to let you all know the gal who graciously let me take a "Daily Method" class yesterday...is hosting a free trial class at the "Lucy" in the Fountains (Roseville) this Wed. night...(let me get back to you on the time)....even know my whole body hurts...it is a good hurt...so don't let it scare you off )...her studio will be open in May...you can go to www.thedailymethod.com to check it out!
I am sooo happy this evening...my sweetums has returned home after being gone for 3 days....yippee!...I'm looking forward to a solid nights sleep...and maybe even a little snuggle :)
Hope you all are truckin along with ease...you know, on this whole challenge thing...and starting to feel super cute with all the healthiness going on within you....keep up the good work.
Have a fantastic weekend and don't forget to email me your points on Sunday evening.
Sweet dreams you cute things :)
Posted by Jenny at 4:45 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 4, 2010
what strikes your fancy?
Hello Sweet cheeks!
So we all have been journaling...right?...well my mother in law had the best idea...(or at least the book she is reading did)...as well as writing in your journal...you cut pictures from magazines...you know, stuff that makes us feel good...things that strike our fancy...or maybe just a quote or article that inspired us that day...and glue them in the journal. I really thought this was a cute idea...wouldn't it be great to look back on the stuff that made us tick?
Thinking about doing this...really got me thinking, what are a few of my favorite things?...So, earlier today I started a list..(in my head of course)...and thought I'd share....not that it matters to you all....but looking back one day...I will be able to see what made "my" boat float...alright, here it goes...
1. My husband and kids...they completely freak me out sometimes...but love them to pieces!
2. My fan...I love it...have to hear that baby to sleep at night...I've had one sitting on my bedside table since before I can remember...yep, even take it on trips :)
3. Tea...(tea parties especially)...a friend introduced me to it about 9 years ago....and I just love how feminine they make me feel.
4. Converse...have had a pair since I was 15...I probably will always love them.
5. clean sheets...aawwww!
6. new socks....one day when I win the lotto...I will never wear a worn pair again.
7. last but not least...talking to my sister...no matter how far we are from each other...we always find time to talk at least once a day....(or maybe 10)
ok ok...I'm done...I really could keep going...but I'll stop :)
oh...by the way....the "Daily Method" exercise class (I told you all about)...kicks booty...I was shaking at the end...it's sorta like an intense Pilate's class with great music and really fun!!! The hour went by soooo fast....I know I'm going to hate getting out of bed in the morning...ugh!
Alright...rented a movie tonight so I better close.
Have an awesome day tomorrow!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:40 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
mental health day
Goodness gracious am I easily distracted these days...just take today for example...I had big plans...take kiddos to school, walk with friends, teach my class and immediately GO home and spend the day cleaning out the bedroom...but what happens instead...sigh...is the phone rings and my adorable sister in law says..."hey Jen, wanna come over and have lunch and hang out?"...and yes...that's all it took...my on-a-roll attitude came to a screeching hault!...yes, I did do everything before the cleaning out the room part...but that all happened before 10:15 am...My mother in law calls these days her..."taking a mental health day"....funny huh?...I say...if that's the case...one might think I should move into a funny farm with as many mental health days I've been taking.
Woohoo...I am soooo excited, tomorrow I am invited to learn all about the Daily Method...whats THAT you ask???...well...the Daily method is a unique combination of ballet barre work, core conditioning, stretching, and orthopedic exercises...(basically it kicks your butt into shape)! It's been super popular in the bay area over the last couple of years...and I have been dieing to take a class!!! Just found out there is one opening in Roseville soon...and the owner is a friend of a friend and shes going to give us a class :)
Alright..think I should close for the night...I'm the art docent tomorrow in the little ones class...so I better get more prepared...yikes!
Have a fantastic day 4 tomorrow!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:30 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
my little runner girl
Hello Darlings!
As I was thinking about it...I should have asked you all TODAY if you all want to poke your eyes out...not yesterday when it was all new and exciting!
Seriously bummin...I went for a run today...only 4 1/2 miles and my stupid knee was killing me again...so bad I had to actually stop and walk a few times...sorry Sarah...hopefully you'll want to run with me again :)
My cute little middle dumpling informed me a couple weeks ago...that she wants to be a professional runner when she grows up...(so sweet)...I just want to squeeze that girl sometimes! Her and I were both delighted to recently find a kids running club for her to participate in...now she doesn't have to wait!
Hope your second day was a success!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 1, 2010
Happy 1st day :)
Happy first day all!!!
Alright you healthy nuts...how's it going today? Has it been pretty easy....or do you all want to poke your eyes out?
When I woke up this morning...I found myself super excited to start the challenge with you all...It was great seeing some of you at school...all geared up...and ready to hit the gym :)
My oldest dumplings bff loves photography...and she came over this weekend and took some amazing pic's of the kiddos...check out her blog...she's really good! www.hindsightphotography.blogspot.com...Here's some of her work...Helps when your subjects are super cute...huh?
I have to confess...I'm closing tonight to get the little ones tucked snug in the beds....so I can watch "The Bachelor"...I know embarrassing...but I'm hooked and can't help it.
Sweet dreams :0)
Posted by Jenny at 5:01 PM 4 comments
Sunday, January 31, 2010
3 down....3 to go!!!
Yippee!!! Woohoo!!! Yahhoo!!! Today is the last day of the challenge....(the current one that is)!!! We did it girls....3 months....we are awesome!!!! Here's a BIG thanks to Sherron for putting and keeping it all together...your the best!
Alright sweet cheeks...now on to new things...tomorrow is the first day of the new challenge...I hope you all are looking forward to the next 3 months...Don't give up....I know you can do it....believe me if I can go 12 weeks without soda (and not even taking free points on it)...anyone can :)...please share any ideas...recipes...books...etc...anything that is helping or not helping during your journey.
I hope you all have had a great (junk food filled) weekend...ha!
Here's to an AWESOME start!!!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 9:29 PM 7 comments
Friday, January 29, 2010
Whatever dad!
Yippeee!!!...I just love going to the mail box these days...to find a bunch of envelopes from people wanting to join the challenge! It's been so fun getting money and emails from people I have never even met...Thanks to all you cuties that forwarded my original email...WooHoo!!!...you guys really got the word out!
My dad is to funny...he has been asking me to go to lunch with him for about 2 weeks now...and I just have not had enough time...(you know with the movies and all)...no, seriously, I've just not been able to go...so today I pick him up and we go to a little place near his house...we get there about 12 pm...we get our food...apparently eat it very fast....because we pay...get into the car and it says 12:35...I say "WOW" dad...if I new you only wanted to spend 30 minutes with your dear ol daughter we could have met days ago! um...whatever :)
Tomorrow I will not be journaling (blogging)...I am taking my free point day...I have a 30Th birthday party to attend and am going to live it up!...whos knows I might even take the WHOLE day off...I'm just so crazy like that...lol!!!
I hope you all have a fabulous weekend and have lots of fun!
Good night my fancy followers and sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 28, 2010
lazy day :)
Well I am sad to say...I did not make it to the store to buy a you know what...hopefully tomorrow ;)
What I did do was definitely not very productive...but lots of fun for sure...went and saw the movie "Extraordinary Measures"...lots of tears...but good!
I'm getting so excited about the new challenge starting on Monday!...the checks and pictures have been rolling in! If you are interested in haven't sent me the goods...please contact me....Because, If I haven't heard from you by Monday...I will assume you've changed your mind.
Hope you all are having a super day...big hugs and....
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 5:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Hello you little chickadee's!
Ok girls...I've just gotta share...and I'm sure it's probably wwaaayyy to much information....but as the wire is poking into my left boob...it's all I can think about...lol!...alright...I really am serious....although I'm cracking myself up that I'm actually going to tell you all about it...
ok, I'll just come right out and say it...I have a bra problem...I absolutely hate shopping for bra's...I mean so bad that I will wait just until I have about 1 half way decent one and am practically forced to go buy some...I do wear sports bras alot...but that just doesn't cut it all the time...even for Christmas my sweetums and kiddos bought me 2 new ones...but come on...they totally didn't fit...(because who the heck buys someone else a practical bra) well wait...I guess they did fit...if you call not being able to move without one falling out fitting :)
Oh and here's something even funnier....the other night I had enough of that stupid sharp wire...and I was wearing a big vest...so I took that baby off...no one would even know if I wasn't wearing one right?...well we had to go to my daughters game that she was cheering at and it starting getting REALLY hot in the gym....so there I go getting ready to take the vest off...when all of a sudden I remembered...no BRA...what was I going to do...and to top it off I was wearing a hat...I mean it was soooo hot...I know I looked like a complete idiot all bundled up...like I was in the snow or something!
Alright, alright...enough talk about the bra...you'll be pleased to know I am planning on doing a little shoppping tomorrow...to help the situation.
sshhhh...I have another confession....but you can't tell my sweetum's...I'm also going to see a movie with my secret "movie-partner"...we try and go about every other week to the movies...it's really fun....but our husbands are starting to wonder what we actually get done during the days...lol!
ok...gotta close for the night...I hope you all had a great Wednusday...it was so nice to see a little sunshine today!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:08 PM 0 comments