Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I look upon myself as an indoor gardener

Good evening you sweet things!

I just finished reading my sister-in-laws blog for the day...and she had posted pictures of these really fabulous garden boxes that my brother-in-law recently built...and I gotta tell you...I just might be a bit jealous :)...not because they have those boxes (although they are awesome)...but because they are going to have fresh veggies right at their finger tips, 24/7. I have always aspired to be a gardener...I can just picture myself, in one of those cute little aprons...carrying my cute little bucket...feeling all Martha Stewart "ish"...but that's all it is...a picture in my head...because honestly, I just don't have it...I don't have that special something it takes to make a garden flourish...nor would I even know where to begin...so I will just sit back and pray that they will have an over abundance and will send some my way :)

A cute little poem...(for all you martha's out there)...

The kiss of the sun for pardon,
The song of the birds for mirth,
One is nearer God's heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth.
~Dorothy Frances Gurney, "Garden Thoughts"

Alright, its bath time, so I must close for the night...I hope you have a peaceful evening with your loved ones!

I will be posting week 3's points tonight...so check it out!

Sweet dreams :)