Happy first day all!!!
Alright you healthy nuts...how's it going today? Has it been pretty easy....or do you all want to poke your eyes out?
When I woke up this morning...I found myself super excited to start the challenge with you all...It was great seeing some of you at school...all geared up...and ready to hit the gym :)
My oldest dumplings bff loves photography...and she came over this weekend and took some amazing pic's of the kiddos...check out her blog...she's really good! www.hindsightphotography.blogspot.com...Here's some of her work...Helps when your subjects are super cute...huh?
I have to confess...I'm closing tonight to get the little ones tucked snug in the beds....so I can watch "The Bachelor"...I know embarrassing...but I'm hooked and can't help it.
Sweet dreams :0)
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
I love the pictures. They are so stinkin' cute. Hector says that Carson is looking so much older.
So I am excited about the challenge. I really need this. Starting off good, so far. Miss you guys!
Yes the first day was hard because I am having to catch myself when I think about things I want to eat :) I know that after training my body/mind those thoughts will hopefully not even enter my mind lol. 1 day down and already excited about the next.
The first day was easy until...3pm! Before running to get the kids from school, I have been grabbing a couple of little candies from the candy bowl to chew on while I drive. Well, I fought temptation...no candy! Then...after the kids went to bed, I really wanted to grab a cookie or 2. But my desire to get a perfect 10 on my first day won over, and I was so proud of myself when I woke up this morning and remembered my success! Yey! One day down...here we go! Hang in there, everyone! We can do this...
Btw, Jen...LOVE the pictures! She has an artistic eye...and you make really cute kids! :0)
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