I have a little sicky home again today...ugh! Is this Gods way of telling me to slow down a little or what???
Several days ago I rented the movie "Fame"...against my husbands better judgement...(since it was only rated 27% on rottentomatoes.com)...anyways...I finally was able to finish it...only took me 3 days...sigh...but finally...mission accomplished...and I loved it!...honestly you can throw any dance movie my way and I'm in heaven. Growing up, It was a dream of mine to attend a school for the arts...even when I was in 2nd grade the teacher suggested to my parents that they look into it...but the nearest one...would have meant a long bus ride each day...which meant the answer was a big fat NO!
...and I have always wondered how different my life would be if they would have taken that risky step.
Just recently my heart broke when my middle dumpling had to break it to me that she was done with ballet...UGH, she says it's boring and that she dreads going...sigh again...I was so sad...and maybe I was living vicariously through her...because I took every kind of dance under the sun...and was definitely NOT bored! She is really good too...Awwww...but if it's not her thing...I will graciously listen to what is and do all I can to lead her in that direction....thank goodness that the little one is still in love with dance...so I'll take anything I can get :)
Great job everyone on last weeks progress!!! Here's to a second week!!!
Have a fantastic evening!
Sweet Dreams :)
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
So...was Fame good or not, Jen? Thumbs up? I always did love the tv show. Isn't it interesting to "wonder" where different life choices might have taken us-good or bad? The trick is finding contentment in where we have landed, all the while RE-dreaming in those places we've let slip from our fingers. I can actually picture you on Fame, J! Maybe another version needs to be released...
Hi Veronica....Yes, I liked it...but liked the tv show better!
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