Thursday, February 11, 2010

It's calling my name

Imagine your in the middle of a very hectic day..absolutely swamped by calls...emails...and all you want to do is go home...put your snugglies on...and veg out.... the looks of me and how tired I would think that maybe my day looked somewhat even close to that...but nooo...all I did was spend my morning organizing the little dumplings valentines party and going to lunch with a hand full of fabulous what on earth is my problem???...sigh...and to think, my sweetums probably feels this way everyday with a much more realistic version of the above.

Okay...I know...I have told you all about my never ending laundry issue...right? Well at this very moment...(or maybe since Tuesday)...but who's counting :)...I have had about 7 loads of laundry sitting here all folded and everything...just waiting to be put away...staring at me from across the room!
But seriously, I would rather go to the obgyn than put those babies away right now!!!

Oh Great! that I'm starting to feel guilty...knowing you-know-who probably really did have "that" kind of day...and guessing with his "act's of service" love language he would soooo love walking in to a clean home.

So I will get off my tushy and plan for a peaceful evening!

Nightie night and sweet dreams :)


Tonja said...

I hate putting laundry away too! It will sit neatly stacked on my dresser for weeks until the next round gets dumped on top of it... *sigh*

Jenny said...

oh husband just came home and read my post and found a ton of errors...oops...pretty sure I fixed them!

ShoppingShelley said...

That is the worst part of doing laundry. I always wait until we absolutely need clothes to do it so then it takes even more time putting it all away. I can't imagine doing Laundry for six, so I will just be quiet now!