WOW...the rain is really coming down out there!
I'm super excited to be in for the evening...and even more excited that my sweetums is returning home after being gone for a few days!
I started "The Dailey Method" instructor training today...Yippee!!!...and again, I must tell you all...It is so awesome!!!
...If you are interested in trying out a modified version of the class...come to Lucy (in the Fountains at Roseville) next Wednesday at will love it!
Thought I'd send a little more cuteness your middle dumpling...has gotten a head start on her dream to be a professional runner
...she has officially become a member of the nearby running club!...yesterday she was fitted for her shoes..and was given a little tutorial on how to care for them...she's really looking forward to starting!
Guess the rain has stopped...I just peeked outside and saw the most beautiful rainbow...thank you sweet Jesus for that little radiant gift...I tried to capture it for you all to see
...kiddos just asked if we could run to the end of!
Hope you have a glorious weekend!
Sweet dreams :)
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
Thanks for the rainbow pic, I did go outside when you texted me, but did not see it over here. Beautiful, but sure it was more beautiful in person.
How are you suppose to care for running shoes. What tips??
you know, things like...if you run in rain...take out inserts and stuff newspaper inside shoes till dry :)
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