Monday, March 1, 2010

Grace Kelley = Serenity

Good evening Hot stuffs!

I can't believe we are already moving into week 5...I've got some rock stars on my hands I tell ya!

This morning I was reading my up-lifting text from a book called "Simple Abundance". Today's reading was titled..."Restoring Serenity to your Daily Endeavors"...I thought..."perfect", just what I need :) talked about how we can dramatically change the quality of our live's when we consciously seek to restore serenity in our day to day continued as women, frequently feeling like we are about to spin right off this planet with all of the "stuff" we have on our plates...Before reading this morning, I took pride in my multitasking abilities....I actually might have even mastered that special talent...but I really want to be good at doing 500 things at once...or do I want to be a cool, calm serene woman...who doesn't scatter her energies into all 500 places...but recovers by concentrating on one task at a time...each hour of the day...and giving each one my undivided fact...that's the woman I aspire to that will hopefully experience...Serenity!!!!

Allow me to close with a prayer from my morning reading...

God give us the grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed;
Courage to change the things that should be changed;
And wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.

Sweet dreams :)