Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter eggin it!


As I sit here and type...I have a little ball of furry goodness sitting on my lap :) The night went pretty well...after I got the two of them to understand that it was not playtime...we where in business...or "sleep"ness I should say. Here is a pic of the new little guy...Scout...along with the oldest dumpling!
The kiddo's and I...along with a few friends dyed Easter eggs today...what I want to what happened to the good old days when there was just one type of Easter dye...jeez there's tie-dyed, shiny eggs (which just plain stunk)...and some silly face kind...honestly, the old fashioned kind just worked sooo much better and way less messy.

Alright...gotta attempt to clean this house...I've been gone all week trying to be the "fun" mom during spring break...and have left the house in shambles.

Have a cozy evening...and...

Sweet dreams:)


Jayme said...

Cute picture

I am sitting here with a ball of furry goodness sitting in my lap while