So do you ever feel like you think your doing things right...then find out your not?...or that you are always trying to make everybody happy...which in return nobody is?...well today that is exactly how I'm feeling...sigh...!!! I'm thinking of finding myself a hole and crawling right in.
On a more positive note...
A very dear friend of mine...(that I've known since 6th grade)...just gave birth to a sweet baby boy...after 2 days of labor...WOW!...Phoenix Orion Griffin...has entered the world...I cannot wait to meet the little cutie :)...I can remember back when her and I were 12...sitting in my room talking about what we were going to name our kids when we got older...we both made a pack that whoever had a girl first would name her Autumn Hope....and believe it or not, I did that very thing....who would have thought that our first born dumplings would be almost 17 years apart.
Again...allow me to close with a little inspirational quote for you all..."The more difficulties one has to encounter, within and without, the more significant and the higher in inspiration his life will be."
I hope you all have had a great beginning to the week ahead!
Sweet dreams sweet friends :)
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
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