Saturday, January 2, 2010

Dancing Queen

Hi all you little 2010 er's!

Alright...give to it me are you all feeling this crispy second day of January?...I need to get my bottom in gear and finish taking down the Christmas decor...It always makes me sad to see it go :( ...Oh well...On to new things...right?...goodbye holiday will surely be missed.

You might have noticed I took the day off yesterday...from journaling that is! We had a friends birthday party to attend...and boy am I glad I didn't stay out super late New Years eve...because last night made up for several late sure was a blast dancing the night away...I love it when I can get my sweetums to join me on the dance floor :)

Well I surely hope you all are enjoying your day...I'm off to walk the pups...can't believe I'm actually posting so early in the day.

Oh goodness...I almost forgot...

Today I am thankful for my two daughters, that they are "still into" playing with there doll babies...and that they STILL think I'm way cool because I made their babies cookies, pancakes and tea bags...(with felt of course!)...I love that they still have that extra special way of letting their imaginations take them anywhere.

Ok...I feel kinda funny saying this with it only being 3 and all...but I couldn't possibly close with out it...SWEET DREAMS dear friends :)


Shelley said...

I would think you were way cool too if you made me tea and cookies for my dolls. Can you tell them not to spread the word too loud around town.

So glad we have another week off of school, so glad!!

Sweet Dreams to you too and Happy New Year Jen!