Well hello there cuties!
I know, I know...It been far and few hasn't it?...(me blogging that is)...ugh...I really do love it...(honestly)...but I just needed to get that "have-to" feeling off my back....so I can once again, "really" enjoy getting on my computer to write to all of you :)
Speaking of you all...how is everyone these days?...can you believe tomorrow is the last day of the "Better Me In 3" Wellness Challenge???? WOW...it will be a full 6 months that I have been doing this...as happy as I was last week...It kinda makes me a bit sad :(....but I will still be blogging...so make sure to come back every now and then!
I hope you all are well...and everyone who has stuck with the challenge...here's a GREAT BIG HUG...for all your hard work....you guys are the best!!!!
I hope your last challenge day is fabulous....
Sweet dreams hot stuffs :)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
tomorrow is the last day :(
Posted by Jenny at 8:59 PM 2 comments
Monday, April 26, 2010
simple...but nice
Hello my fancy follower's!
How are you all doing on this fabulous Monday! Can you tell I'm in a good mood or what!
Had a great day of teaching my old peeps...which was followed up with some Dailey Method training...(which by the way went really well today)...I'm seriously soooo excited for the studio to open...looks like end of June...and it was fun to finally start talking about days I will be instructing...came home, dinner is made, now just baths and beddy-by for the little blessings...awww...love when their all tucked in and I can just chill with my sweetums. The oldest is off babysitting for the night...hopefully doing homework too :)
Okay I must close...play dates mom is coming to pick up the extra child I have galloping around...have a great day tomorrow!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 6:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 25, 2010
lots of pic's!
Happy Sunday!!!
This weekend has been busy, busy, busy!!! Except today of course...which has been just down right relaxing...awwww!
The craziness began Friday morning...and didn't end till Saturday evening...it all started with the middle dumpling going to an all day field trip to the Bernhard Museum...(with daddy in tow)...which made it an extra special day for our little half-pint!Aren't they so cute?
and the littlest dumplings had the special privilege of going to the United States Coast Guard for their field trip...
Mini hero in action!!!
Next came the school play...which was ADORABLE by the way...all 3 of my little ones were in it...definitely made all the boring practices well worth it :)
Here are the mermaids...(she's the silver one)
and Indians...(oh and lets not forget pirates...but he's not mine)...
and last but not least...and not a very good picture...but there is my Lost Boy..although she's really a girl...she's second from the right!
See I told you lots to do in 2 days huh? Whew!!! oh my, almost forgot... I also went to my sister in laws baby shower...I cannot wait to welcome my little nephew into the world soon...and maybe even on my birthday! hehe!
Okay aside from all my busyness...do you all realize that we only have 5 more days left of this challenge....wow...I can't believe it!!! And yes, I know I said it ended on the 30th...which in fact happens to be a Friday...so we will go ahead and end on a Friday...and I say hey...count your weekend to be a celebration!
Have a wonderful week little cutie bugs!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 5:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 22, 2010
I HATE blood test!!!
Hello All!!!
I Had a pretty good day today...went to my Dailey Method class...went on a lunch date with my sweetums...(Ooh la la!)...and then...ugh...had to take the little one to have blood work done...and quite frankly I am now ready for bed...she completely wore me out...between trying to convince her to but her arm up on that darn chair thingy...and STILL trying 45 minutes later...I became VERY frustrated...soooo holding her down was looking better and better...and that my friends is what we did...but it worked and once she realized it wasn't that bad she quickly relaxed...and awwww...I was out of there!!!...Thank you Kim and Jordon for tagging along to help :) you are too kind!
Well, I better hurry off...need to prepare for our crazy day tomorrow of field trips and school play!!! Have a great evening....and...
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 4:26 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
toothless wonder
Good evening sweet stuffs!
I can't believe it...but I almost forgot to post some pic's of the oldest dumpling...right before prom last Saturday!!! She flew solo for the evening...and had a great time!!! Here is a couple pic's...(oh yah...she's the one in the red dress)Silly and all...
Aaww...she's becoming such an awesome young woman these days!
And last but not least...(but really because she might have a cow if I didn't tell you all)...the littlest dumpling...FINALLY lost her tooth...it has been dangling for about 2 weeks...and honestly all I can say is "yuck"...I wanted nothing to do with that loose tooth. Take a peek below at my toothless wonder...
silly girl...is soooo excited to lose a pearly white before her brother...because there are not many things this little one has done first...so I am sure that she will be hanging this one over his head for a very long time!
Well I hope you all had a fantastic day...I went to the movies today...saw "The Last Song"...and jeez Loise was it sad...I sobbed so hard, I've had a headache all day :(
Nighty night and sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 19, 2010
wonderful weekend!
Well hello there you little cuties!
As you can already tell...(by me not blogging everyday)...that I was in desperate need to take some time off from the challenge...I mean...I haven't really let loose all together...because many of the things are so natural to me...that I can't imagine not doing them...but I needed my ever-so-obsessive mind to take a chill pill...and goodness gracious it has been WONDERFUL!!!
I had such a great weekend....busy but nice! The yard sale went pretty good...got rid of the big items...so no complaints here :) the kiddos had a donut/lemonade stand...and I think they might have done better than us...lol! They made a whopping 50 dollars!!!! Yesterday was the "Run Rocklin" race....It was so fun to run with my sweetums and little one...man o man is she getting fast...ssshhh...don't tell sweetums this....but she did WAYYYY better than him...he was a whole minute and a half behind us...suckka!!!!
Awww....so lovin that we have leftovers to eat...the best!!!!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 5:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 16, 2010
tomorrow's yard sale!
Whatup blogger peeps!
Getting ready to go out with some friends tonight...Yahoo!!! I'm beat and am soooo looking forward to some adult conversation and of course spending time with my sweetums :)
Definitely bummed to have to get up and moving early in the morning...but hey...I'd love to sell enough junk to get a new dishwasher...the kiddos will be selling donuts and lemonade...delicious combo huh?
Alright...I better make myself presentable for the evening!
Sweet dreams :0)
Posted by Jenny at 5:47 PM 2 comments
Thursday, April 15, 2010
just waiting
Hi cuties!
I'm sitting here waiting for the little misters baseball game to start...so figured I better journal while I have a few minutes.
Had a good day today...I'm the kiddos art docent...so this morning I presented painters that paint the "Old West"...not my style exactly...but they got into it for sure! Then was able to meet my sister in law for a spur of the moment lunch....which is always lovely :)...and well, now I am here...writing to you all!
This saturday our whole neighborhood is doing a yard sale...if any of you are in need of a king size bed frame and book shelf with lighting...then stop on by...or email me for directions...there will be much to look at!!!
Alright...games about to begin...have a delightful night and....
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 5:08 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Go Half-pint!!!
Hello Sweet cheeks!!!
This past Sunday...my little runner girl ran in the "Zoo Zoom" race...(the one she has been training for)....she did AWESOME!!!...and I am soooo very proud of her! Take a look below...this is her about to cross the finish line!!! Go Half-pint Go!!!
She and I will be running this Sunday in one as well...and I'm sure she will beat the pants off me...since all I've been doing lately is Dailey Method...running has taken second place.
I hope you all are having a spectacular day!
WOOHOO...week 11 almost down!!!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 4:09 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Did you miss me?
Well what do you all think....can you believe I've been gone so long???...from my blog that is!
And yep...you guessed it...I went below 70 points last week...first time in 5 1/2 months...and honestly I was ok with it...I secretly knew I would...with traveling back home and all...I just wanted...well, needed...a "true" vacation...and I've been sooo tired of thinking about my points...I just threw in the towel :) it probably was a good thing for me...I tend to get a little obsessed about things from time to time...and letting go is actually probably a more healthy balance for me at this point.
So about my trip, IT WAS FABULOUS!!!!...didn't get much sleep...but I was able to spend good quality time with each friend and family member...and I was able to just let go and do what ever my little heart desired...heck, I even got a run in one of the mornings...Got to see my niece play soccer and even went to L.A. to see an old friend that I've known since 5Th grade.
Oh yah...one more thing...the plane ride down with my sister's new pup...went grrrreat...the little guy...otherwise known as "Moose...slept the whole time....no one even knew he was there.
Well...I better close...glad to get back to you all!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Can't wait to see my Mommy!
Good morning blogger peeps!
I hope you all slept well last night :)
I am posting early this morning...a little nervous that my traveling companion is arriving soon and throwing another pup in the mix...(for the day..that is) wellllll, whew...might cause me to not have time for anything else!!!
Hoping to post from my phone while I am gone...so again , I'm sure my journaling will be teeny tiny...but hey, at least I will try!!!
Alright chickadees...I need to go...the pile of laundry is calling my name...joy...figured my sweetums could use a little help before I escape...oops, I mean leave...lol!
Have a glorious day :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:34 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I'm leaving....on a jet plane....I don't know if I'll be back again
Good evening all!
awww...just got done with a fabulous dinner with the fam...cleaned up the kitchen...and now...off to think about packing for my trip tomorrow...I am sooo excited to get away for a bit and spend some quality time with family and friends :) The last time I went home to see mom was about a year and a half ago and that was for my ex's funeral...so the time spent was definitely not a happy one.
Again, I was super busy today...had a bunch of errands to run...and the middle dumpling had her running club photos...she is so cute!!! please pray for her...this Sunday is the big race...(the one she's been training for) and today she ran 3 miles non-stop and did great....so I don't think she's worried at all :)...unfortunately I will be gone this Sunday...so I signed her and I up next weekend to run the "Run Rocklin" together
....I ran the 12K last year and it was delightful..so I'm really looking forward to her being with me!!! She's very excited too and I think we've even convinced dad to run...woohoo!!!
Alright, I better close...kiddos are still up...yikes...better get them in bed!!!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
killer headache!!!
Hi Chickadee's!
Last night I went to bed with a BAD headache....and what do you know...woke up with the same BAD headache...ugh!!!...you know the kind that just pounds behind your eyeball
...and of course it lasted most of the today...and wouldn't you know it...I had a million things to get done before I leave on Thursday...3 appointments that I wasn't about to change...one being my hair appt...because seriously, who wants to see old friends when you have bad hair...lol...NOT ME!
Alright...I must close for tonight...I need to shower and veg out for awhile...and I guess prepare for tomorrows list of a million things to do!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 5, 2010
goodbye candied peeps...I love you!
Hello Sweet Cheeks!
Ugh!!!...I woke up this morning with a serious stomach ache...I definitely took FULL advantage of my free points yesterday...and pretty much ate everything in sight...I even ate sweets for goodness sakes...it was like this crazy woman took over my wellness challenge mind or something....I just couldn't help it...lol!!! Did anyone else feel this way???...Jeez...have I learned anything at all in the last 5 months???
After getting past the aches and pains of the morning...I decided I needed a fresh start this week...(with this whole challenge business that is)...my attitude has not been the best...It REALLY helped to run into to 2 gals that are doing the challenge as well...simply fabulous to hear how it has changed them mentally and physically...they were even saying how much they did NOT want it to end...and if someone was going to continue another round after this one is finished....any takers??? Seriously...it was truly awesome and brought me back to the real reason for starting and continuing this 6 month journey...thank you girls :)
WOW...how just a few words can brighten your week!
Hope you all are having a great evening...sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!!!
Sweet dreams all :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter!
Here's a great big... HAPPY EASTER from my home to yours!!!
Hope you all are having a fabulous time with your loved ones!!!
Oh, by the way we made it to the park and back before the rain...whew!!!
Sweet dreams my fancy follower's :)
p.s. don't forget to email your points!
Posted by Jenny at 5:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 2, 2010
Happy Easter weekend!
Hello you little marshmallow peeps!
Take a look below...yep...those are the little cuties...now that you've seen them...can you blame me???
sweet little balls of furry goodness!!!
Seriously...what the heck is with the weather?...we are suppose to be going to a park on Easter...and I'm going to go out on a limb and say that probably won't be happening :( The kiddo's love the egg hunts at the park...looks like Mr. Bunny man will be getting creative this year!
Don't forget challenger's...that we get an extra FREE day this Sunday!!! Live it up!!!! and also don't forget to email me your points by Monday night! With the free day on Sunday I just might also use my normal free day tomorrow which will mean you won't be hearing from me till Monday.
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and very Happy Easter!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 6:55 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Easter eggin it!
As I sit here and type...I have a little ball of furry goodness sitting on my lap :) The night went pretty well...after I got the two of them to understand that it was not playtime...we where in business...or "sleep"ness I should say. Here is a pic of the new little guy...Scout...along with the oldest dumpling!
The kiddo's and I...along with a few friends dyed Easter eggs today...what I want to know...is what happened to the good old days when there was just one type of Easter dye...jeez Louise...now there's tie-dyed, shiny eggs (which just plain stunk)...and some silly face kind...honestly, the old fashioned kind just worked sooo much better and way less messy.
Alright...gotta attempt to clean this house...I've been gone all week trying to be the "fun" mom during spring break...and have left the house in shambles.
Have a cozy evening...and...
Sweet dreams:)
Posted by Jenny at 4:15 PM 1 comments