Monday, November 9, 2009

If at first you DO succeed, try not to look astonished!

Happy First Day!

Alright you little cuties...and seriously don't you feel just a little bit cuter?...How'd the day go??? Honestly...I'm alittle scared to even say, but today went amazingly head didn't blow up or anything! I'm feelin pretty darn proud of myself right about now :)...everyone I saw or talked to today seemed to be truckin along with ease.

my husband was so was 2 minutes to 8 and he was trying to quickly figure out something else to! I love you sweetums...because if you can give up your nightly chocolate peanut butter ice cream intake you can do anything!

Oh...I almost forgot...I bought a book today that was recommended by my lovely friend/running partner called "YOU The Owner's Manual" written by Dr. OZ...On the cover it says..."An insider's guide to the body that will make you healthier and younger"...who wouldn't be interested? bet your bottom I'm reading this book asap!

I'm closing for tonight...I figure I should just go to bed before I feel hungry...hope you all have a wonderful 2nd day...1 down 89 to go!

Sweet dreams :)


Laura said...

Well Jen, I think I did it....even got to the gym, but now it's my hardest challenge: no junk food after 8pm! My personal goal is up for challenge too...bed before midnight with a clean face. I'll report tomorrow. I did have to pee a lot today....not used to all the water! I feel good though.

Have a good night!

Jenny said...

I know..I've been peeing like crazy!

kimbranch said...

First day accomplished!
Thanks sis for getting me to do this. I really needed the push.
You are an inspiration. I am excited that you are doing this blog, I look forward to seeing it daily.
Love you!

Jayme said...

Inspiration indeed!!! I started off with all good intentions and then a thousand things started to get in my way. By gosh darn that was not going to happen! I DID IT I checked each box and was proud to do it!!...and even signed up with the well fitness group not just You, but I think I should still pay you 10.00 for getting me there. :)
I laughed at reading Jeff's run for kitchen. I thought the same thing but instead ran to the gym. Wow was it packed, people really use their
Now off to get a thousand things done that didn't get done due to new puppy today. Hey maybe I need a puppy everyday, kept me busy. Goal stay busy and take vitamns.
Thanks Again!!! hope the walk went well.

Jayme said...

one more thing, read this today, thought I would share.
Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obatin a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown.
this was found in Daily Light Journal. It is for the year, but today is Jan 1st for me. A new year!
Again Thanks!

Shelley said...

Thanks Jen for getting me going on this and evening getting me up and moving yesterday. I am inspired for this.