Happy New Years eve sweet cheeks!
Actually can't believe I'm even blogging right now...First new years eve that we left the party early...and that putting my cozies on sounded better...sweet Jesus does this mean I'm getting old...lol!
The whole family went snowboarding today...except for yours truly...me and the littlest dumpling had a girls day...hair, movies, lunch and shopping..she was so cute!
So are you all using your 2 days of free points this week???...I'm thinking of maybe skipping a few things...we'll see :)
Well again I'm on the blackberry...so I will close for now with a big new years hug to all of you...here's to a happy and healthy 2010!!!
Sweet dreams:)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
New Years eve
Posted by Jenny at 9:49 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Hi girls!!!
Blackberry blogging again...so it will be short tonight!
While visiting with my in laws today...they told me about a website that is so great...its called hungrygirl.com ...check it out!...it gives you recipes then right beside it, It gives you a healthier version...fabulous!
Ok...closing now...think I might be getting on everyone's nerves in the car right about now.
Sleep tight you little cuties!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 5:53 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
What's your New Years resolution???
Hi there you little Swizzle Sticks :)
Alright...Listen to this...I just saw a friend of mine today (who is also doing the challenge)...she has LOST 20LBS so far...can you all believe it...I think that is so fabulous...I could just scream with delight...lets give her a round of applause ladies....YOU GO GIRL!
So...do any of you make New Year's resolutions??? In years past I have challenged myself to things like...no soda for a year.....no sweets for a year...etc...This year I think I will be making "this" challenge my goal. I'm sooo looking forward to all the new folks out there who are interested in starting Feb. 1st....in about 2 weeks I will be posting, emailing, calling anyone and everyone...so stay tuned for more info and start talking it up to your friends and family :)
Omgosh...I keep forgetting to post what I am thankful for...so once again here it goes...Today I am thankful for: My oldest...who can drive her sweet mama around town...It is so great just to kick back, relax, text...anything my little heart desires...and let her be the taxi for once..Ha!
Well...I better close this evening...getting ready to snuggle up with the family and watch a movie.
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 5:41 PM 2 comments
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sweets Police :)
Hi you all!
I'm back...after a much needed getaway with my sweetums...burrr was it cold in Tahoe...didn't have phone or computer access...so I took the free point. I went to sleep last night (or should I say this morning)...at 3:30 am...yes, I know...what the heck was I thinking! I am sooo exhausted...I will probably re-read this tomorrow and hate it....guess I'm not the young party girl I once was...lol :)
Now this is funny...I was texting my girlfriend this evening...when there was a long pause between texts...she finally got back to me and said...right when I sent the first text, she had just made herself a bowl of ice cream...she called me the sweets police...and that I was ruining her moment! Like I was busting her for eating that bowl of ice cream...ok...wait...is that funny or sad for me???
Okay..okay...I'm rambling now...Hope you all are truckin along!
Have a great night!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:39 PM 2 comments
Saturday, December 26, 2009
She must want something :)
Hey Sweet Cheeks!
Whatca all been up to?...Hopefully recovering from yesterday :)...Today has been very relaxing...the best part was coming home to my oldest dumpling and her friend making us all dinner...I wish you all could have tasted the delicious plate that sat before me...man oh man was it yummy...I was served...(wait hold up...did you catch that I was SERVED...in my own home...fabulous huh?)...Ok lets try again...I was served shrimp marinara pasta...with a great tasting Greek salad...I honestly would have ordered it all in a restaurant...Still not sure what came over them...I'm just waiting to find out what they want...lol!
It was also really great not to have a ton of snacks laying around the house today...feeling sooo much better than last night!
I will be out of town tomorrow night...so I probably will be taking a free point for journaling...If my phone has service...you bet your bottom I will be on it blogging to you all.
I hope your evening is going well...sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite.
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas you sweet little angels!For goodness sakes, I don't know about you all...but I am wiped out!!!...I have seriously been going none stop for about a week.
Yesterday I did great with all the challenge stuff...then today rolled around...and let me tell you...I took the day off....(well with some of the stuff...not all)...I just ate some really rich foods...that I don't think agree with my body anymore...all I can say is YUCK!...I should NOT have had that glass of wine!
Everyone but me...is asleep...and have been since 8:15...not sure if I should join them....or just sit here in peace...aaawwww!
I hope you all have had a magical Christmas...good night and God bless.
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:41 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 24, 2009
The reason for the season
Merry Christmas eve you little sugar cookies!
Posting from the ol blackberry again...please excuse all the mess ups.
We are on our way home...to get the little munchkins to sleep...so Santa and his little elf (that would be me if you hadn't guessed)...can prepare for a joyous Christmas. I can't wait to have them wake in the morning...I'm almost gitty :)
Okay wanna hear the sweetest thing ever...this evening my sweetums was telling the little mister how Christmas was about giving, and being with family...etc...well, the little mister looked up at Daddy and said...um dad no its not...it's about Jesus! I thought that was so cute...he actually acted like...duh dad...lol!
Alright...almost home so I better close...I hope your Christmas is merry and bright!!!
Sweet dreams :)
P.s. had to come home and take a picture of the little cuties dressed in their Christmas jammie's!
Posted by Jenny at 7:18 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Just Breatthhh!
Well hello there you frosty blog followers!
How are you all today?...I have been soooo busy with all the last minute Christmas details!...The streets are craazzy out there!!!...and why oh why on earth would I schedule eye and dental exams right before Christmas???...Although the two oldest sure look cute as button in their new glasses.
I'm trying to just stop and breath...and NOT stress out...can I do it?
I will close early this evening....have a great Christmas eve tomorrow!
Hugs to you all and of course sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 6:17 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Um....hello, are you all still alive???
Hello Challenge buddies!
Ok...so honestly...are some of you in a challenge rut??? I've talked to a few of you...and it's kinda feelin like the spark has gone out...I'm definitely NOT feeling the excitement (like in the first few weeks)...no comments...no calls....WHATS UP GIRLFRIENDS??? What can we all do to light your flames again....to get you all back on the wagon???...maybe we can all meet for some exercise...you know it's nice to get together and chat about how it going...refuel maybe!...All I'm saying is don't let that Feb. 1st date be your out for RIGHT NOW! There's no time like the present Sweet cheeks :)
Alright...enough with all the nagging...these lips are sealed!
I hope this post didn't make you all feel bad if you are in that rut I was talking about...hopefully it gets you pumped up! Come on Girls YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!
Sleep well...and I hope you all wake tomorrow with a positive outlook on this whole challenge business.
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:01 PM 2 comments
Monday, December 21, 2009
Positive impressions
I Hope you all are having a GREAT first day of our 7th week!!!
So...yesterday one of my little ones was in the kitchen with a cookie...and said..."mommy, don't you wish you were allowed to eat one?"...and at that moment I thought how sad that she things I'm not "allowed" to eat sweets...(like I'll be in trouble if I eat one)...then my second thought was I could use this to teach her a little something about why I try and eat healthy...so I bent down...and simply said...oh sweet cheeks...mommy is allowed to eat and do whatever she wants to...It is my "choice" not to eat sweets...and went on to tell her the reasons why I was doing the wellness challenge...etc.
All I know for sure...Is I feel a heck of a lot better...and I truly do hope I am making positive impressions on the people around me...especially my children :)
Oops....just realize last nights post didn't have what I was thankful for...here goes tonight's...
Today I am thankful for my children's kind hearts...they were so sweet today to take their own money and buy each other Christmas gifts.
Have a happy healthy evening.
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 6:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 20, 2009
1/2 way done!
Hi 7 weeker's...woo hoo...we are over 1/2 way done now!!!! well...for those of us who are not going to keep going!
I must say...this weekend has been great!...To top it off...I get to spend the rest of the evening with my darling sister in law...dinner and some last minute shopping :)...so much fun I tell ya!
Don't forget to send in your points girlie's!!!
I hope you all have a wonderful evening and that you wake up in the morning ready to conquer week 7!
Sweet dreams you cozy cuties :)
Posted by Jenny at 4:17 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 19, 2009
While sugar plum fairies dance in my head
Hello dear friends!
Away from my computer...so I'm posting from my phone again...yikes it uses up so much juice that I hope I can finish!
Well...the little angel was absolutely delightful on stage today!!! I've never seen something more precious...she brought tears to my eyes!
Alright Laura...love the idea about writing down things your thankful for...think I will steal it and start adding one thing each night to my post. Ok here it goes...
Today I am thankful for all those beautiful ballerinas that worked so hard to give me and my whole family a wonderful day of entertainment...we are sure to cherish always :)
Yeah...I made it before my phone died!!!
Have an amazing rest of your evening...oh wait one more thing...can you all tell my attitude has changed??? For the better that is!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 4:57 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 18, 2009
Mr. Sandman...bring me a dream...bung, bung, bung, bung
Well...had to take my free exercise point today...poor little sicky was home with strep throat :(
I honestly either am looking forward to all the holiday stuff being over or am just having an off day...maybe I need to prioritize better and drop all the stuff that isn't something I NEED to do...ooh maybe that will be my personal goal for next week. Lately I feel like 90 percent of my day is in the car...freak out!!!
Tomorrow half pint will be performing in the Nutcracker!...She's sure to be the sweetest little angel on the stage...wish her luck.
This day has absolutely exhausted me...that is why my friends...I have made a date with Mr. Sandman...and promise to be in better spirits tomorrow.
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 10:39 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 17, 2009
"There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them.”
Hi Sweets!
My posting will be super quick this evening...have one little dumpling sick in bed :( ...poor thing has been complaining that the inside of her cheek has been hurting (since yesterday)...well goodness...we went out to get a little shopping done...and she cried the whole time...finally...I looked in her throat and could NOT believe the size of whatever it is in her poor little throat...she couldn't even eat :(
Ok I must leave...heading out to do snack bar duty for the cheerleader....AAWWWW...calgon take me away!
Challenge stuff going well today....Hope things a good on your ends!!!
Have a good evening...pray for me.
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 6:39 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as maple bars :)
Hello you little Snickerdoodles!
Well...the party is over...aawwww! Now I MUST give all 14 dozen away first thing tomorrow!...they all look simply delicious...Neighors...friends...teachers...watch out...a little bit of heaven is coming your way :)
While I was at the party...I had a several friends say they were interested in doing this challenge when and or again we start in February...I was getting really excited...the more people we all get the better the winning pot...Woo Hoo! That time of year is looking more appealing to most...rather than sweating it out during the holiday season...smart cookies!
Again Laura...thank you...for sending me the original email about the challenge...It has sparked up so much excitement...it is so awesome to see everyone getting really into it all!
Sleep well you fancy blog followers....sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:58 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Drowning in sweetness
Hi there you little snowflakes....So how's the cuteness coming along today?
My goodness...I've spent the whole day baking the most scrumptious yummies for tomorrow nights cookie exchange :)...I made cranberry coconut chews...peanut butter chocolate pretzels...and soon will be putting some pumpkin iced cookies in the oven....but I just have to tell you...this challenge is KILLING me today...I knew this week was going to be tough...but jeez Louise!!!
OK...I will stop complaining about all the things I must resist...move on Jen!
So...have you all finished your Christmas shopping? I'm sure you must be as busy as me with all last minute details and school activities...I know we can get so caught up in all the things that need to get done...I'm hoping you can squeeze in a little time to breath and thank God for this wonderful time of year...He has ever so blessed us with...cherish the ones around you my friends...big hugs to all!
I hope your evening is delightful~
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 6:37 PM 3 comments
Monday, December 14, 2009
"In running, it doesn't matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say 'I have finished.'
Happy 6 weeks Sweet cheeks....(ooh look It even rhymed)
I hope you all find yourselves doing well.....can you believe we're half way there? It feels like just yesterday I was typing...happy 1st day! :)
So...I was wondering...well maybe hoping that some of you might be interested in running...before you totally rule out the idea...hear me out...about a year ago I started running (on a reguar basis)...it wasn't the greatest at first....but with the help of a wonderful book (that seriously walks you through each step...literally)...and a fabulous running partner...oh and also knowing there was a race to run in...it has become one of my favorite past times :)...Soooo...what do you all thing???....come on...I would just love...love...love it...I'll be your best friend...lol! Here's the book I went by...I mean honestly...to start you run 2 minutes...walk 2 minutes...it's that easy!
Here's a funny little running saying...but I swear its not true!
If you run 100 miles a week, you can eat anything you want -- Why? Because
(a) you'll burn all the calories you consume,
(b) you deserve it, and
(c) you'll be injured soon and back on a restricted diet anyway.
I know...I'm a dork!
Ok...so what are you all making for dinner tonight?...I better get going so I can throw the chili in the crock pot...I've been making this veggie chili that has candied yams and corn in it...absolutely delish I tell ya! Oh shoot...just remembered that my sweetums likes tacos on Monday nights while he watches football...OOPS!
Can you all believe I'm actually writing this early in the evening?....I can't....usually I'm cramming it in at the very end of the night.
I hope you have a wonderful night...stay warm.
Sweet dreams you fabulous rock stars ;)
Posted by Jenny at 4:01 PM 5 comments
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Can I get some cheese with that "whine"
Good Saturday evening Sugarplums!
Things were going great...woke up and read my spiritual text...went for a great run...ate all the stuff I was suppose to...etc...and then tonight came...honestly I don't know why I'm even acting surprised...because I went with the intentions to take a free point and have some wine...but anyways I went to a Christmas party....and yes, I had some wine...I was able to avoid the sweets table that I swear called my name like 10 times :) and apparently there is a good reason for staying away from all these things we're suppose to...because after having that stupid wine,my stomach is killing me...ridiculous I tell you! I'm not even sure I tried to have will power....Alright, Alright....enough with all the whining!
Yippee for us...coming to an end of our 5th week!
I hope you all are warm and cozy and snug in your beds.
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 11:28 PM 1 comments
Friday, December 11, 2009
cookies & wine....ugh!
Arrived home just a few minutes ago...ugh, another night out with cookies and wine all around me!...I was with 3 other challenge buddies...so that was helpful...NO DINNER again...man o man....off to bed hungry!
Short post tonight...just realized the computer is in the same room our overnight guest is in...oops, better leave so he can sleep.
Tomorrow night will be another test of my will power...wish me luck!
off to bed my friends....Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 10:57 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 10, 2009
cuteness all around
Good evening you sassy things!
Today has gone relatively smooth...easy day...not much new to add...how are all of you? I went for a walk today with a girfriend of mine....you should have seen us...we had 4 yorkie pups...all dressed in sweaters...absolutely adorable! Mines "Picasso"...there in front :) Looking down.
I have an extra dumpling for the night....my niece is just about the cutest thing you'd ever seen..although 3 hours ago I might have told you different...I became very concerned...when the first 15 minutes she was here (without mom & dad) she sat screaming at the door...but as the evenings progressed things have become much better...kiddos are loving their cousin...they sat with her while she ate, the girls have done her hair in cute little piggy tails...they've even put her jammies on...at this point I could probably leave and know one would notice :)
Well...I will close for now....have a great day tomorrow....and
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:44 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Motivation is what gets you started...habit is what keeps you going
Good evening you little sweet potatoes...
I've got to tell you all how impressed with this challenge I am...not only for myself...but for all of you! Things are really coming together...and starting to really become habits of mine...versus feeling like I'm forcing myself to get all those points. I was talking with my sister tonight...and she was trying not to feel guilty that she was unable to get all her points...but what I should have told her (and if your reading this...here you go)...you should absolutely not feel bad...because whatever your points were...I think you said 67...well, that was 67 things you most likely were NOT doing 5 weeks ago...right? Anyways...I am so proud of us all...here's some BIG HUGS from my home to yours :)
Did you all watch the "Biggest Loser" finale?...Those contestants looked fabulous I tell ya!...It truly amazes me what a little attitude change and a bunch of hard work can do once you set your mind to it...I think the winner lost like 176 lbs in 6 months...maybe even more...can you even believe it...that is INSANE....and so awesome!...they were glowing with happiness from head to toe...which made me cry even harder....as if I personally know them or something...jeez Louise I'm a sucker for those kind of shows.
We have an old friend coming in late to stay the night...so I better get his bed ready before he gets here...bless my sweetums for going to pick him up so late.
Sleep well and sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:58 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Shhh...don't tell :)
Howdy Sweet Cheeks!
Just returned home from another school concert...this time it was the two littlest dumplings...They were so adorable...although the little mister yawned through most of it :)...he refused to wear the snow scarf that all the other children wore...so instead he wore it around his waste!...awww...silly boys!
Shhh....I've got a secret...Now promise your not going to tell...ok...I'm going to just come right out and say it...here it goes...I actually had to use a free point today in the exercise catagory....UGHHHH!!!...I hate that I had to do it....see I told you all that I can take things a little to far....I'm actually feeling guilty...but there was just no time....see I also told you all that I need to have more "balance" in my life...right? I know I'm a nerd!
Alright...I'm closing for tonight...can't wait to curl up and watch the Biggest Loser finale!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 9:07 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
Well all be...two pretty random things happened today...snow in Carmichael (our pipes were even frozen this morning) and my picture on the front page of the paper...Yep...same one I posted last night!
Just got home from watching my beautiful girl sing in her school concert...it truly amazes me to watch her these days....so strong and independent...yet so ridiculously goofy at times...these are the days I step back and wish that her dad was still here to see what a wonderful young women shes becoming.
Aw man...not a big fan of doing things in the early evening and returning home after our 8 o'clock cut off....ugh...STILL HUNGRY...I guess it's me and my friend water for the night :)
Any of you chickadees up for some exercise this week???...walk...run...etc???
I hope you all had a fabulous day...keep on goin you little cuties...have a wonderful 5th week!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:51 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Look I'm famous :)
Well hello you little snowflakes!
I had an awesome day out and about following my friend in the marathon...Her husband, kids and I were able to stop and cheer her on in 9 different spots throughout the race!!! It was down right freezing...burrrr! We where interviewed by the SacBee at one of our stops :)...Here's a picture of yours truly...(just found it on sacbee.com!)
Since I have been up since 4:30 am...I am definitely going to try and wrap up my evening...I will be closing tonight...with this tiny post...don't forget to email your points.
I hope your evening is super cozy!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 6:43 PM 3 comments
Saturday, December 5, 2009
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Baby...it's cold outside!
Yippee...our house is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!...Got both trees up...(one for me to decorate and one for the little elf's)...of coarse their not decorated yet...but at least all the turkeys and pilgrims have returned to their homes in the rafters :)
Tomorrow I will be cheering my running partner on as she runs in her first Marathon...Good luck B.C...I know you can do it...I'm sure I will cry like a baby when she crosses the finish line....I'm such a dork like that :)
So...I didn't do the run/walk today at Ancil Hoffman...to many things to get done around the house...then realizing I never talked to Sherron and would have no way to find her...oh well...hopefully we all can start getting together more to exercise...maybe weekends are best with everyone crazy schedules.
K...If you all have not seen the movie "Blind Side"...you have to go see it!!! Don't forget the Kleenex....even the stinkin previews made me cry!
Can you all believe tomorrow will be a month for us on this challenge...woo hoo...We are awesome!!!
I hope you all sleep well...don't let the bed bugs bite.
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:20 PM 1 comments
Friday, December 4, 2009
Well Aren't you all just the cutest things....You have know idea how much I just LOVE when you all leave comments...It really keeps me going with my nightly posts... oh...and might I add...my love tank has been filled to the brim :)
I love what some of you wrote about us needing to have a "balance"...you are soooo right...If we fall off...just jump right back on the next day...the next week for that matter! I remember some diets I've been on...when I would totally screw up in the middle of a week and in my weird little head I would think...well I guess I'll start again the following Monday :) as if that was the end of the diet cause it was on a Wednesday...as if I could only start on a Monday!...and...yes...I know...I know...it's way easy to type what I just said...and In all reality...I definitely need to be more "aware" that I can take things to the extreme sometimes...I personally need to learn how to have a healthy balance and let myself have those free days...(well...maybe not with the sweets)...heck no...I do not want to have that craving thing going on again.
So...I spent most of my day shopping around town...trying to buy gluten free foods for the littlest squirt...with tummy trouble for the past year in a half...I've decided to take matters into my own hands...so we will be doing a 1 to 2 month test to see if she has in a fact a gluten intolerance :( ...poor thing went to a pj party tonight...were all the girls were decorating cookies and eating popcorn...and there she stood all sad with her own G Free cookies and fruit.
Well I should close for now...
I hope you all have a wonderful (end of our week 4) weekend!
Sweet dreams you little sugarplums :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:03 PM 2 comments
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Anyone out there???
Hi there Sassy Sisters!
Um...Hello...where have you all gone??? I haven't seen many comments lately....I'm really hoping your just super busy and that it's not because you all have fell off the wagon! So if your still in...please give me a "What's up" from time to time :)
So...have any of you read the book "Eat this not that" If you haven't...you should check it out (costco)...my sister in law got one the other day and it was really fun to see all the stuff we are eating then on the same page they tell you a better alternative...Some of the stuff really amazed me!...They also have kids book that is equally as good.
Just got finished with a mean game of Uno with the fam...It's so great that everyone is old enough to play and it actually be FUN!!!
Hope you all are enjoying this holiday season...HO HO HO!
Sweet dreams you little cupcakes :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:24 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
What's shakin bacon's...that would be veggie bacon of course :)
So...this morning at work...one of my old peep's (for those of you that don't know I teach senior fitness) asked me for the hundredth time if I REALLY appreciate my legs...and no it was not a come on :)...his legs are pretty bad and he has trouble getting around to do the basic of things. He went on to tell me how he really wished he could still walk, run, dance and even do a single jumping jack...For some reason...today it got me thinking how right my little Clarence is...I should REALLY appreciate my legs...WE should REALLY appreciate our legs for goodness sakes!!!...We should not take advantage of our bodies that God has so graciously given to us. SOOO...I've decided from this day forward I will thank God each day for my body...I do not know how long I will have it....but I do know that I will do all I can to keep it healthy and strong...and I will continue to dance and do jumping jacks to my hearts desire!
I hope you all have found this crispy cold Wednesday to be superb!
Sweet dreams my healthy peeps :)
Posted by Jenny at 5:46 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Boring day
Howdy Girls!
well today was pretty much none eventful...(when it comes to the challenge)...same old same old!
So...I mention this before...but are any of you walking or running the race on Saturday???...I thought It would be fun to do...I will walk (not run) the 10k if it means someone would do it with me...I think it will be fun to meet Sherron and some of the other girls that are in it with us. From the website...It looks like they are all walking.
I hope you all keep truckin along...and continue to smile...through every part of this journey.
Sweet dreams sweet friends :)
Posted by Jenny at 10:04 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 30, 2009
"If people were meant to pop out of bed...we'd all sleep in toasters"
Oh my goodness...soooo tired...fell asleep and just jumped up in a panic that I hadn't blogged today! I guess last week just down right pooped me out!
Ok you little hotties!....I've heard from a few of you that your feeling a little lighter these days...every time I step on the scale I'm just absolutely tickled pink that I decided to do this challenge!!!
Just to give you and all your friends out there a heads up...when this challenge ends on Jan. 31st...I will be starting another "Wellness Challenge"...of my own...that will begin Feb. 1st!!!...and yes....you've read that right...the day after this one ends!!! I've heard from soooo many of you saying that you would like to keep going and or you know several other people that are interested. I will put more info out when it gets a little closer :)
My house looks a little confusing right now...If one was staring from the outside at this very moment...they would see hay bails and pumpkin's on the porch...with a Christmas tree sparkling in the window....what the heck...I better get a move on it!
I am now going to try and go back to sleep...nighty night!
sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 9:53 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Ready to get my groove back
Awww...We are at the end of week 3...Yippee!!!
As much as I loved this last week with the kids home...and family in town...I'm secretly looking forward to getting my normal groove back.
I've honestly have had to bake something every day this week...(temptations I tell ya)...I Thought I was all finished for the night...when my little cupcake reminded me that they were celebrating her birthday tomorrow in class...I put on my best smile and simply walked into the kitchen :)
So...I tried a new recipe today...tofu marinaded in soy sauce....rolled in bread crumbs...baked...(kinda like a veggie fish stick)...well...I had only heard of the recipe so I wasn't sure of cook times...etc...I suppose they probably would have tasted delish...but...I forgot I was baking them...guess I didn't hear the beep...but they were burnt and awful...the biggest of the little dumplings said they looked like cat poop, rolled in litter...YUMMY!
I told you all about the book "Crazy Love" that I was reading each day...well if any of you all are looking for some good spiritual text to read...it's been really good...easy read and right down to the point.
Now I'm Going to curl up and watch "Four Christmases" with my sweetums...oh yah...don't forget to email your points!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:48 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 28, 2009
I heart San Francisco
Hi cutie pie's...Here in San Francisco...tryin to blog from my blackberry. Hope you all had a wonderful Saturday!
Ugh...After waiting for a table at a restaurant...for an hour...and food taking a bit...I had to eat at 8:15 :( glad I didn't take any free days.
I better see if this even works...before I write a bunch...plus my phone is going to die.
Big hugs & sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 27, 2009
Hustle and Bustle
Holy Moly...I made it...(you can't see me...but I'm actually yawning as I type)...we shopped for 12 fabulously fun hours (woo hoo!)...wait...maybe I should repeat that...I said 12 HOURS!!!...can you believe it???...most people think we're just plain crazy ;o) ...one thing I must say...it's not very fun to have to pee every second of the day...It was all crowned with mile long lines...goodness gracious!
Have you all realized how awesome we are?...we are coming up to the end of week 3! How are you all feeling? Still going strong here sista's!
This week has been so much fun!...I'm sorta sad it's all coming to an end...everyone will be departing in the morning :( ...(hoping to get all the Christmas decor up to keep us all cheery).
Tomorrow night I will be in the city...so I will try and see if I can blog from my phone....(gotta get my journaling in)...stay tune.
I hope you all sleep well
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 9:08 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting
Happy Thanksgiving my fancy followers :)
The Turkey trot was a blast...the little ones ran the whole time with us..I was so proud.
Are any of you crazy like me and wake up at the crack of dawn (or before)...to shop, shop, shop...literally till you drop?...It has been a tradition in our family for about 12 years...that all of us girls (NO KIDS) leave the house at around 4:30...AM that is...(which means the alarm starts beeping at about 3:30)...and shop all day...do lunch...and become seriously super silly for about 12 hours...then go home and eat thanksgiving left overs with all the guys and kiddos...I look more forward to this day then any other.
Soooo...I decided not to eat any sweets today...I really felt like I wasn't craving them and was only going to eat the pies cause everyone else was....not because I really just had to some! I totally didn't want to start the cravings again and wake up tomorrow and probably want a stupid donut or something...lol!
How did you all do today? Did you take your free day on some stuff...or all???
I hope you all are warm with delight and have made many special memories with the ones you love.
I'm thinking I should try and get some sleep....hugs to you all
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:09 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Turkey's a trottin'
I cannot believe it...but I actually slept until 9 am this morning...it was so nice to wake up and have my sister here as well...(she arrived in the middle of the night)...I LOVE that she is doing the challenge...it was so nice to have a fellow challenger beside me all day :)
oh yah...forgot to tell you all that yesterday at the movies I did not have a soda...yippee for me...I actually couldn't believe it...I ALWAYS want a soda at the movies.
So...are you all ready for Thanksgiving???...I've been cooking for the last couple hours...so I will won't be a freako tomorrow...and have a ever so thankful happy heart.
I'm really looking forward to running the Folsom Turkey Trot with my family in the morning...It will be a great way to start the day!
I wish you all a very HaPpY ThAnKgIvInG!!!
Sweet dreams you crazy turkey heads :)
Posted by Jenny at 10:37 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Pearly Whites
Hello Hot stuffs!
Ok...so here's a little trick I've been doing...If it's after 8 and I really want something to eat...I brush my teeth. I know....kinda silly...but it works (I promise)!
I'm sure most of you know this...and probably eat your veggies this very way...I just love them...(oh and my kiddos enjoy them too)...so here's what I do...I cut up all kinds of veggies...my fav's are red bell pepper, squash, onion, mushrooms, asparagus...really any kind...then I toss a little oil olive or grape seed oil to coat...lay them out on a baking sheet...and bake the little baby's for about 15 minutes on 450...and right before I take them out...I sprinkle some shredded Parmesan cheese...and ooh la la their done :) delish I tell you!
So besides seeing the movie New Moon with my awesome sister in law...I had a fairly boring day. Oh wait...I did clean up 2 trash bags my darling dog decided he wanted to scatter all over the house...ugh!
But tomorrow will be a new day...
and I will wake up and celebrate my sweet baby girl turning 9! How I absolutely cherish everything about her...from her sweet disposition to her fabulous long eyelashes...she just melts my heart.
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 11:14 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 23, 2009
moments of weakness
I must confess...today was probably one of the hardest days I've had on this challenge! ugh!!! It didn't help that I sat in the car while everyone else ate ice cream sundae's...then we had 1/2 pint's b-day celebration...so this time I sat at the table while everyone else ate cake....dumb sweets...wish they never even existed! The craving's hadn't been to bad...until TODAY!!! Thank goodness for my new bff's...apples and peanut butter...I love you :)
Ok...so have any of you read or seen the book "Skinny Bitch"? (Pardon my french)...seriously...it is a great book! they also have a fabulous cookbook called "Skinny Bitch in the Kitch".
The authors are down right hilarious...they get right down to the point for sure...they are a couple of no-nonsense girls...who call sugar...the Devil...soda and beer...liquid Satan...lol! The chapter on "sugar" is perfect!...What I really should do...is read it every time I'm craving all those yummy sweets.
Goals for tomorrow:
call grandma
get house and laundry done for 2nd round of guests
go see New Moon...(can this be a goal? ha)
Sooo happy my sis is coming soon...she's on the challenge too...so I will have a buddy for the rest of the week...my husband isn't doing so hot!
Have a great day tomorrow
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 9:55 PM 5 comments
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The ones you hold dear
Do you not just love when family comes to town for the holidays?...I look sooo forward to the week of Thanksgiving every year :) that is why I am closing early this evening...to curl up on the couch...laugh and be silly with the ones I love...and make new holiday memories.
I hope you wake up in the morning and week 3 will come with ease
Sweet dreams
Posted by Jenny at 8:16 PM 2 comments
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Baby it's cold outside
Brrrr...It sure is chilly out! I went for an early morning run and about froze my tush off! (Although I'd rather it be cold than hot any day)...It sure felt good to get out and run...haven't been in a few days...when I was training that's all I did in terms of exercise...but now it's been kinda nice choosing different types of exercise...and with having to get in my 45 minutes everyday...I've had to get creative so it stays exciting :)
Wow...it seems like everyone is getting sick :( ....I'm really hoping I've had my sickness for the year...cause I really do not want it to mess with my challenge. Jayme you are seriously a rock star!!!...I cannot believe you've powered through...exercise and all....WOO HOO!
Ok...I'm publicly busting my husband...he's gone back to eating his nightly peanut butter and chocolate ICE CREAM..."what the heck" is all I have to say...and thank the sweet Lord above...that ice cream is not my weakness!
One more thing...Aren't you all so stinkin excited that we are almost done with week 2?
I hope you all have a super cozy evening!
Sweet dreams you little cuddle bugs :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:10 PM 3 comments
Friday, November 20, 2009
"Willpower is the art of replacing one habit for another"
Omg...all the yummy foods that have started to overwhelm my senses!...I must resist!...I must...I must...I must...lol! After being around all the scrumptious sweets today...I'm afraid last nights baking was just the beginning...(ugh!)...too many more days this holiday season...of using that ever so great willpower I know is within me! For goodness sakes...I went a whole year without eating sweets...3 months should be a piece of cake! Honestly...it's the comfort and memories that come along with all those lovely smells that is the hardest and when you realize that you do not need to actually taste those feelings...that is a comfort in itself :)
I'm not sure I will take my free days unless I have to...I feel like it will set me back to square one....what do you all think?...and have you been using the free points?
I have gotten to bed sooo late these last few nights..I am cutting it short tonight in hopes to get some much needed sleep....here I come Mr. Sandman
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 9:07 PM 3 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
I can't have my cake and eat it too!
oh yah...sweet things...I have will power for sure! First time since starting the challenge that I had to bake...not bake just anything...but bake 3 banana cakes! My most favorite dessert since I was a little girl...They smell sooo yummy...thank goodness they will have new homes in the morning :)
So I started reading a new book...(you know, spiritual text)...it's called "Crazy Love" a girlfriend of mine gave it to me several months ago...have any of you read it or heard anything about it?...so far so good...but I am only on the second chapter.
Omg...your not going to believe this...not only did I drop last nights dinner...I actually did something way worse today...I dropped HOT PINK nail polish all over my sister in laws tile floor and vanity...the stupid bottle shattered everywhere...Ughhh!...hopefully things really do come in 3's and I will not destroy anything else. I can tell you one thing...I 'm going to keep wearing my new hot pink running shoes and pretend that they were suppose to look like this.
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 9:03 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I'm back and breathing tonight...much better day! Although I did just drop the the whole jar of salsa on the floor...then followed it with the bowl of taco meat...I guess leftovers weren't in the cards for tonight :)
I'm feeling extra sentimental today and just want you all to know...how grateful I am to have you all by my side during this next 3 months?...I feel truly blessed to have you all in my life...I am surrounded with such lovely ladies these days...it brings tears to my eyes. Soooo...here is a big hug and a wet juicy smooch :o) from me to you!
and by the way...I am not counting that as my showing love and appreciation to another person...I meant every word!
Sweet dreams precious friends :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:46 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Balancing act
As I am writing this tonight...I'm actually trying to just bbrreathhh....AAWWWW!!!
I must admit today has been a little crazy around the ol' home front...kids were being all freaky like from the very moment they woke this morning ;)...(which doesn't help when mom is trying to have a peaceful morning)...half way to school the little Mister informs me he forgot his jacket...turn the car around and realize I will most likely run out of gas if I do not refuel immediately...kids now late to school...I'm a stress case...ugh! So I decide I will still make it to my Pilate's class if I hurry...make it, things are good...attitude is turning around for the better...get all my goals for the day accomplished...(Grandma's doing well)...THEN....the kids COME BACK and they are even more bonkers than earlier...and that is when all my calm & peaceful feelings...I was ever so trying to keep...fade.
So my friends...my goal tomorrow will be to wake up..refreshed I'm sure..right?...and try and keep it all together...ooh, maybe I should try reading my spiritual text before exiting the bed rather then entering...
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:51 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 16, 2009
I'm stuck!
Ok, so here's my new issue...well I guess it's not really new...cause if you ask my husband he'll tell you he's been telling me for months...but I'm in a food rut...mostly lunch ideas for myself...but I feel like I eat the same things over and over again...ugh! Ok, so here's my staples...tofu salad or some kinda salad, red bell pepper with cheese and crackers, and soup...yep there they are...all 3 of them. So now that you know this...and keep in mind that I'm a vegetarian...would one of you sweet things PLEASE give me some new ideas?...oh, and maybe ones that are kinda quick and easy :) oh, and also have fruits and veggies in them...with them...around them!
Another thing...how much is in a serving?...as in 2 servings of fruits & veggies...I've been thinking somewhere around a cup or handful...a whole banana or apple....what do you all think?
Ok..I swear this is it...how in the world do you all find time and room in your day to eat 3 meals and all the servings of F & V's...sometimes I've just been eating vegetables for dinner if I didn't get them in for the day...I know, silly problem to have...oh well!
I hope you all had a superlicious day!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 6:17 PM 6 comments
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Don't bunt. Aim out of the ballpark.
WOO HOO...First week down...and we did it ladies (and gentlemen)!!! Aren't you all just so darn excited? I've spoken with most of you this week and seems like everyone is doing really well...all I have to say is WE ROCK!!!
I hope you all have a delightful second week...and that those points come even a little easier....and the excitement never fades.
Don't forget to email your points for the week!
Sweet dreams Rockstars :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:42 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 14, 2009
From the heart
To be 5 again...and no...it's not because I have wished I was less wrinkly...(well maybe)...or because I have wished I didn't have to dye my hair for the fear of really seeing what's under...no...It's because I have wished to feel free...free of all the worries that have been building since I actually was 5...I can remember being a wee one and thinking about my weight...I have struggled in my silly little head since before I really can remember...growing up in a family of very skinny kiddos...and me being average...oh, and might I add...average with red hair and freckles...um, not really the first pick of many....well not unless you were over 70...(this is how you quickly become your grandparents favorite)....but when average isn't the normal in your little world..something must be wrong...right?
I know this kinda sounds sad...and for the record...and 30 years later...I am grateful God choose to give me red hair :)...but my reasoning for letting you in a little deeper...is to tell you that this last week has seemed a little easier...I can't really put my finger on what has changed sooo much...but I can tell you this...my silly little head is feeling a little lighter...mentally that is :) I think between having a healthy agenda, the spiritual text, (and trying not to float away from all the water)...it has given me new...healthy things to worry about :)
well now that I have just spilled the beans...oh...and I am really hoping you weren't coming here for your uplifting text...lol...I am closing for the night...can't wait to curl up in my snuggies and read my Dr. Oz book.
Sweet dreams sweet friends :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:19 PM 2 comments
Friday, November 13, 2009
Healthy Bites
Yeah...I've refueled and feelin super this evening! Crazy busy day...and still was able to get all the points checked....yippee for me!
Ok Ladies get out your pen & paper I found a butternut squash recipe that looks healthy, simple and even kinda cozy...(Here's to you Shelley and Mr. Squash) :
2 Tablespoon butter
1 sm. onion chopped
1 stalk celery chopped
1 med. carrot chopped
2 med. potatoes cubed
1 med. butternut squash...peeled, seeded & cubed
1 (32 oz) container chicken stock (I will use veg. stock...probably will taste the same right?)
salt & pepper to taste
*melt butter in pot, cook the onion, celery, carrot, potatoes & squash...5 minutes or until lightly brown...pour in enough stock to cover veggies...bring to boil...reduce the heat to low...cover pot & simmer 40 min.
*transfer to blender until smooth...then put back into pot and add any remaining stock until desired consistency...salt and pepper to taste! Then jump in your car and bring some to me :)
One more yummy idea...My friend Sara reminded me today about chai tea...I Just positively adore everything about this delicious drink...she bought the "Oregon chai" in the container and mixed with milk...I also have just bought chai tea bags and steeped in milk (no water)....add alittle honey and...awwww! Great alternative to those sugary Starbucks.
Hey...did you all see on the Wellness challenge site that she was trying to get a bunch of us to run or walk in the reindeer trail run 5 k/10k...coming up on Dec. 5 th? interested??? I thought it would be really fun to meet some of the other gals that we're up against! I will also be running in the Folsom Turkey Trot Thanksgiving morning...any takers?
It's now almost midnight and I must sleep...ooh maybe I should eat..it is technically the next day right? J.K :)
Sweet Dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 10:58 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009
My words are my food
UUUGGHHH....you have to be kidding me...I have not eaten since 2 o'clock today...I had to be somewhere tonight....might I add...somewhere WITHOUT food (but didn't know ahead of time)...so of course it is almost 11 pm and I am STARVING...and you better believe I'm not going to NOT get a point...soooo I guess no food tonight...probably not the smartest idea...but hey...It taught me to start keeping a snack with me at all times!
Alright...just one more thing...if you must know...this has been the hardest evening I've had...stupid day 4...I'm glad your almost over.
Hoping your day was better then mine~
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 10:23 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Nature's Palette
Aaawww Fall...Do you not just positively LOVE it?...The scrumptious smells...the beautiful trees....the clean crisp evening air....For Pete's sake...I love it so much I even named my daughter Autumn after this delightful season! This my friends...is all the things that were going through my mind as I was on a family bike ride....yes, you heard it right...FAMILY BIKE RIDE!!! Well wait...we were actually missing the littlest squirt..but everyone knows she's about as slow as molasses anyways :) No seriously...it really meant a lot to me to have the fam involved.
It's been really nice that everyone has been so supportive and involved in the wellness of little ol' me...even as I write this I have not had one interruption.
Ok...tell me this...Is the never ending peeing thing getting on your nerves as much as mine??? Jeez Louise...It's not like I didn't drink water before!!!
Oh no...just realized I didn't eat dinner and it's 30 minutes to 8...guess that means I will be closing for now.
Hope your evening is cozy~
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 6:16 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
An apple a day...keeps the points coming my way!
Good Evening fellow challengers...day 2's coming to an end...so give it to me...how are you all feeling? So far so good here! The best part has been with all the fruits, veggies, and water I've been consuming....there has been no room for other snacky type stuff :)
ok...This is kinda sad to say...but one of my goals each week is to make sure to call my Grandma...I know that sounds so bad....and I swear I'm not a jerko...but with time slipping by so quickly these days...I don't get the chance to tell her how much I love and appreciate her nearly enough.
Alright...I am now off to finish my last point of the day...which would be reading my uplifting text...started earlier but had to pick up the little dumplings from school.
Nighty night & sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 7:06 PM 7 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
If at first you DO succeed, try not to look astonished!
Happy First Day!
Alright you little cuties...and seriously don't you feel just a little bit cuter?...How'd the day go??? Honestly...I'm alittle scared to even say, but today went amazingly well...my head didn't blow up or anything! I'm feelin pretty darn proud of myself right about now :)...everyone I saw or talked to today seemed to be truckin along with ease.
my husband was so hilarious...it was 2 minutes to 8 and he was trying to quickly figure out something else to eat...lol! I love you sweetums...because if you can give up your nightly chocolate peanut butter ice cream intake you can do anything!
Oh...I almost forgot...I bought a book today that was recommended by my lovely friend/running partner called "YOU The Owner's Manual" written by Dr. OZ...On the cover it says..."An insider's guide to the body that will make you healthier and younger"...who wouldn't be interested?...you bet your bottom I'm reading this book asap!
I'm closing for tonight...I figure I should just go to bed before I feel hungry...hope you all have a wonderful 2nd day...1 down 89 to go!
Sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 8:37 PM 6 comments
Sunday, November 8, 2009
A goal properly set is halfway reached
wanna know alittle secret?...I TOTALLY pigged out this weekend!!!...what the heck is wrong with me?...I could just throw up right now thinking of all the junk I put in my body :)...I would normally not ever eat the way I did this weekend...but just knowing what was ahead...holidays and everything...I just had to! I know I'm not alone...my friend called me earlier and told me she was in the McDonalds drive thru...we cracked up...as if it was the last meal she would ever eat!
Alright enough about the PAST...right?
and before I close out
take a look at my post title...don't you just love?...I heard it today and thought it was just perfect...perfect I tell you! Doesn't it make you breath alittle easier?...and we haven't even started! Alright Girlies (and guys-my husband has decided to do it with me too) we have just a few more hours till we take the first step towards improving our bodies, our relationships, our mental well being...our LIFE's for goodness sakes!!!
Good night & good luck my fancy followers...sweet dreams :)
Posted by Jenny at 9:29 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 7, 2009
In a "nutshell"
Ok, so here's what's crackin...There are 10 goals to accomplish each day...and I already know what your thinking...so STOP IT!...we need to be positive..right? These 10 things should (and I say "should" lightly) be simple, motivating, and VERY rewarding!
Here it goes!
1. drink 48 oz of water a day (piece of cake)
2. 45 minutes of exercise...does not have to be consecutive
3. consume 2 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruits
4. no soda or alcohol...(UGH!)
5. no sweets...desserts, pastries, candy, sugary snacks...(but sugar-free alternatives are fine), fast food, or unhealthy snacks like potato chips...etc!
6. no eating after 8:00 pm (getting easier)
7. read 15 minutes of spiritual or uplifting text
8. write in a journal (your lookin at it)
9. express specific appreciation, love, or praise to another person
10. personal goal-each week make a personal goal for everyday (read to your kids, organize the closets, get 8 hours of sleep)
another important thing...you get a point for each thing you do each day (so keep a calender thingy on the frig or something)...end of the day you should have 10 points...you can have a FREE point PER CATAGORY, PER WEEK or save them up for one WHOLE free day...for example, one day a week you choose to skip exercise, but you would still get the point for doing it-if you only miss it ONCE that week...this is the same for each catagory...or you might choose to have 1 free day where all the points are free...woo-hoo (now we're talking sweet cheeks!)
Alright enough with all the rules...you have until Monday Nov. 9th to decide if you want to get healthy (physically and mentally)...so come join me...seriously I would LOVE IT!
Posted by Jenny at 9:12 AM 4 comments